Dolphin Usage ADODB Documentation

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Dolphin Usage ADODB Documentation


I'm currently evaluating the Dolphin Professional edition, which I am
hoping to use for client-side SQL Server programming in the future. I
am looking for something like a Dolphin ADODB quickstart guide, a
tutorial that will guide me throught the steps necessary to connect to
and manipulate SQL Server objects.

Whereas I have excellent documentation for SQL Server programming
itself (i.e. T-SQL, stored procedures, etc.), I am at a loss as to how
to utilize Delphin to interact with SQL Server via ADO. Where do I



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Re: Dolphin Usage ADODB Documentation

Bruno Buzzi Brasesco
You can use ReStore:

Regards Bruno

"Joseph" <[hidden email]> escribió en el mensaje
news:[hidden email]...

> Hi.
> I'm currently evaluating the Dolphin Professional edition, which I am
> hoping to use for client-side SQL Server programming in the future. I
> am looking for something like a Dolphin ADODB quickstart guide, a
> tutorial that will guide me throught the steps necessary to connect to
> and manipulate SQL Server objects.
> Whereas I have excellent documentation for SQL Server programming
> itself (i.e. T-SQL, stored procedures, etc.), I am at a loss as to how
> to utilize Delphin to interact with SQL Server via ADO. Where do I
> start?
> TIA,
> Joseph

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Re: Dolphin Usage ADODB Documentation

Christopher J. Demers
In reply to this post by Joseph
"Joseph" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:[hidden email]...

> I'm currently evaluating the Dolphin Professional edition, which I am
> hoping to use for client-side SQL Server programming in the future. I
> am looking for something like a Dolphin ADODB quickstart guide, a
> tutorial that will guide me throught the steps necessary to connect to
> and manipulate SQL Server objects.
> Whereas I have excellent documentation for SQL Server programming
> itself (i.e. T-SQL, stored procedures, etc.), I am at a loss as to how
> to utilize Delphin to interact with SQL Server via ADO. Where do I
> start?

I would start with ADODB_Connection . ;)  I am not aware of a Dolphin
Smalltalk specific ADO quick start guide.  Since Dolphin just wraps the ADO
ActiveX server you will find that any generic ADO guides would apply to
Dolphin.  However I will make your life a little easier.  I have put
together a brief example of how to do some common things with ADO under
Dolphin.  The code bellow may be a bit mangled if it wraps, fix that and
then try it out in a workspace.

"Open the connection."
conn:=ADODB_Connection new connectionString:
'Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source="C:\Temp\database.mdb";';
open; yourself.
"Open the RecordSet."
recSet:=(ADODB_Recordset new) open: 'select * from Table1'
activeConnection: conn
cursorType: (ADODBConstants at: #adOpenDynamic )
lockType: (ADODBConstants at: #adLockOptimistic )
options: (ADODBConstants at: #adCmdUnspecified);
"Add a new record."
recSet addNew.
(recSet fields item: 'Field1') value: 'Test Record'.
(recSet fields item: 'Field2') value: 1.
(recSet fields item: 'Field3') value: TimeStamp new.
recSet update.
"Display all values."
recSet do: [:each |
each do: [:eachField |
Transcript nextPutAll: eachField value displayString; tab].
Transcript cr].
"Find and change a record."
recSet MoveFirst.
recSet find: 'Field2 = 1'.
recSet eof ifFalse: [recSet update.
(recSet fields item: 'Field2') value: 2.
recSet update].
recSet close.
conn close.


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Re: Dolphin Usage ADODB Documentation

In reply to this post by Bruno Buzzi Brasesco
Hi Burno.

Thanks for the pointer. This really looks very intriguing, and I'm
going to check it out.
I'd still like to check into ADO via Dolphin (ReStore apparently uses
ODBC). Any pointers available?
