We have released a "final" patch level 1 for Dolphin X6. This can be
installed into your current image using the Live Update icon from the
system folder. Once you have installed this, the Dolphin splash screen
should announce the version number as "6.0 PL1".
You can read about the list of changes in the patch by clicking the
Help button in Live Update with the patch selected. Alternatively, you
can follow this link: with any Live Update, we would recommend that you create a backup of
your image before installing a new patch.
Within the next few weeks we will be updating the main X6 setup program
on the website to 6.0.1 to include the patch (we want to be able to
release DCE at the same time). Until that time, we ask that new users
perform a Live Update after they run the Fresh Install sequence.
Best regards,
Andy Bower
Dolphin Support