Dolphin X6 PL1 Available

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Dolphin X6 PL1 Available

Andy Bower-3

We have released a "final" patch level 1 for Dolphin X6. This can be
installed into your current image using the Live Update icon from the
system folder. Once you have installed this, the Dolphin splash screen
should announce the version number as "6.0 PL1".

You can read about the list of changes in the patch by clicking the
Help button in Live Update with the patch selected. Alternatively, you
can follow this link:

As with any Live Update, we would recommend that you create a backup of
your image before installing a new patch.

Within the next few weeks we will be updating the main X6 setup program
on the website to 6.0.1 to include the patch (we want to be able to
release DCE at the same time). Until that time, we ask that new users
perform a Live Update after they run the Fresh Install sequence.

Best regards,

Andy Bower
Dolphin Support

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Re: Dolphin X6 PL1 Available

Sean M-7
> Within the next few weeks we will be updating the main X6 setup program
> on the website to 6.0.1 to include the patch (we want to be able to
> release DCE at the same time). Until that time, we ask that new users
> perform a Live Update after they run the Fresh Install sequence.

Cooooooool. The release of DCE is going to be a very good thing.

Just before Christmas at our weekly programmers meeting, I gave everyone a
demo of Dolphin (I was doing a Smalltalk demo, even though everyone uses C++
for work..). I was called out after weeks of C++ discussion I was constantly
mentioning Smalltalk, and got called out; "If it's so great, do a demo for
us. So I did.

Everyone thought it was kind of "neat" but didn't really see anything cool.

I put it down to my demo skills, and the fact that I was trying to explain
syntax, structure, idioms, and chuncks of code, and class heirarchies
(Streams, Collections, Exceptions, Magnitudes etc) all in the space of 90

Then I opened up the bouncing balls program, dropped a flipper inspector on
it, and started changing values in fields of objects. I added a few new
methods to the view (and Ball class) while it was all running, randomly
changing icons; adding new objects/shapes to the window, all while it was
all running.

It was the 'play with bouncing balls program while it is still running' (And
I surprised myself by how well it actually worked!) which really inspired
and made them all want to try Dolphin out. I'm hoping that if I can get a
few of them interested in CE, they might even contemplate doing a tool or
two in Dolphin, and buy a few copies of professional, but we'll see.

I wanted to show them how the whole environment is written in Smalltalk too,
but I ran out of time. I don't expect anyone to ask for another demo; and I
promised I would shut up about Smalltalk at the weekly meetings too ;)

Bring on the community edition!