Theo Pronk wrote:
> Do you (or anyone else) have some sample code to show shockwave output
> on ShellView?
This is only a start, based on AXControlSite class>>example2 and an article on
the Macromedia website about using the Flash player with VB: following works for me:
file := 'something.swf'.
shell := ShellView new
layoutManager: BorderLayout new;
extent: 300@300;
host := AXControlSite new
progId: 'ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.1';
parentView: shell;
arrangement: #center;
create; show;
shell show.
host controlDispatch loadMovie: 0 url: file.
Although, as #example2 states, normally you wouldn't have to build the
ShellView and AXControlSite programmatically.
-- chris