Dolphin code to write Palm Database?

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Dolphin code to write Palm Database?

Steve Taylor-2
I know there's Dolphin code to create PalmOS Databases, as I've got the
code on my machine right now. However, I can't remember where I got it
from, and Google just doesn't like me this morning.

Once I've finished my current PalmOS PocketSmalltalk project I intend to
write an article about it, and I'd like to be able to give URLs for all
the relevant software. Anyone want to confess to having written it?



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Re: Dolphin code to write Palm Database?

Ted Bracht-2
Hi Steve,

"Steve Taylor" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:[hidden email]...
> I know there's Dolphin code to create PalmOS Databases, as I've got the
> code on my machine right now. However, I can't remember where I got it
> from, and Google just doesn't like me this morning.

It's in the PocketST yahoo group, in the Files directory


Drop me a mail if you can't access it and I'll forward it

> Once I've finished my current PalmOS PocketSmalltalk project I intend to
> write an article about it, and I'd like to be able to give URLs for all
> the relevant software. Anyone want to confess to having written it?

Would be good to have someone wake-up PocketST again. After Joey left not
much has happened. Looking forward to your article!

email: [hidden email]