Dolphin comparable to VW valueNowOrOnUnwindDo:

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Dolphin comparable to VW valueNowOrOnUnwindDo:

Jan Theodore Galkowski-2
I'm reading the Brant-Foote-Johnson-Roberts' "Wrappers to the
Rescue" from

Does Dolphin have a method comparable to VW's "valueNowOrOnUnwindDo:"?
I looked around exception handling, Process, and the ProtoObject but
nothing looked comparable.

Thanks, and sorry if the Buckaroo Bonzai quote is appropriate:

  "If it was a snake, it'd have bit me!"

[From the site

 which is, believe it or not, a complete transcript of the BB
 movie.  Gee, and I thought Smalltalkers were fixated.... (;-)} ]

 Jan Theodore Galkowski                           [hidden email]
 The Smalltalk Idiom           
             "Smalltalk?  Yes, it's really that slick."
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Re: Dolphin comparable to VW valueNowOrOnUnwindDo:

John Brant
"Jan Theodore Galkowski" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:[hidden email]...
> I'm reading the Brant-Foote-Johnson-Roberts' "Wrappers to the
> Rescue" from
> Does Dolphin have a method comparable to VW's "valueNowOrOnUnwindDo:"?
> I looked around exception handling, Process, and the ProtoObject but
> nothing looked comparable.

#ensure: is the equivalent message. It is part of the ANSI standard, but
when the paper was written VW didn't define it.

John Brant

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Re: Dolphin comparable to VW valueNowOrOnUnwindDo:

Jan Theodore Galkowski-2
Thanks, John.

John Brant wrote:

> "Jan Theodore Galkowski" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
> news:[hidden email]...
> > I'm reading the Brant-Foote-Johnson-Roberts' "Wrappers to the
> > Rescue" from
> >
> >
> >
> > Does Dolphin have a method comparable to VW's "valueNowOrOnUnwindDo:"?
> > I looked around exception handling, Process, and the ProtoObject but
> > nothing looked comparable.
> #ensure: is the equivalent message. It is part of the ANSI standard, but
> when the paper was written VW didn't define it.
> John Brant

 Jan Theodore Galkowski                           [hidden email]
 The Smalltalk Idiom           
             "Smalltalk?  Yes, it's really that slick."
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