Dolphin crash ! Why ?

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Dolphin crash ! Why ?

Bruno Brasesco
Hi all,

q := ''. "Evaluate it"
p := [ q value]. "Evaluate it"
q := [ p value]. "Evaluate it"

[p value] fork. "Evaluate it"

Why does Dolphin crash ?

Best Regards
Bruno Brasesco

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Re: Dolphin crash ! Why ?

John Brant
"Bruno Brasesco" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:9drtc9$j1u1a$[hidden email]...
> Hi all,
> q := ''. "Evaluate it"
> p := [ q value]. "Evaluate it"
> q := [ p value]. "Evaluate it"
> [p value] fork. "Evaluate it"
> Why does Dolphin crash ?

Evaluating "p value" on the last line will evaluate "q value" which will
then evaluate "p value" and so on. The first line is dead code since the q
in "p := [q value]" will always refer to the latest value of q, which in
this case is the block "[p value]".

Now, you may ask the question why Dolphin crashes instead of generating a
stack overflow walkback -- I can't answer that one...

John Brant