Hola Gallego, juan
2) Estas Evaluando algo de codigo? Fijate como armaste el session manager. De ultima ponele un file vacio con el mismo nombre que te pide en el path.
Y de paso fijate si agrego algo ahi, en el changes.
El problema esta aca:
OpenGLSampleShell>>onSampleSelected | newSampleClass | samplePresenter ifNotNil: [:oldSample | oldSample
stopTracking. container remove: oldSample. comment clear. samplePresenter := nil. Delay forMilliseconds: 5 ]. newSampleClass := samples selectionOrNil. newSampleClass ifNil:
[^self]. " comment value: (self getCommentFor: newSampleClass)." samplePresenter := newSampleClass createIn: container. (samplePresenter view) arrangement: #center; ensureLayoutValid. samplePresenter setupProjection: samplePresenter view extent.
[samplePresenter setFocus] postToInputQueue
OpenGLSampleShell>>getCommentFor: aClass ^[aClass comment] on: MessageNotUnderstood do: [:x | aClass propertyAt: #comment]
Cada ejemplo tiene un comment de la clase y cada vez que desde el Shell abro un ejemplo cambia el comment. Como se puede ver acá Al final pego el errorLog, no tengo idea porque pasa esto, pero gracias a eso encontré el puto error. Me gustaría saber si alguien entiende que pasa.
Otra tema:
Abrí una imagen nueva e instale el paquete, luego
ejecute el deploy y este fue a parar al directorio donde esta el paquete.
Luego cerré y volví a abrir la imagen, ejecute otro deploy y ahora fue a
parar al directorio donde esta la imagen. No hice otra cosa que abrir y
ejecutar el deploy.
Por que puede pasar eso ?
saludos kiko
************************** Dolphin Virtual Machine Dump Report ***************************
16:43:21, 04/11/2010: 'C:\Smalltalk\OpenGLSampleForDolphin\Community Edition.chg' - Controlador no válido.
*----> VM Context <----* Process: {01BB0004:size 659 words, suspended frame 01BB08E5,
priority 5, callbacks 2 last failure 0:nil, FPE mask 3, thread nil} Active Method: SessionManager>>logError: IP: 015F14A9 (9) SP: 01BB0B30 BP: 01BB0B04 (689) ActiveFrame: {01BB0B08: cf 01BB0AE9, sp 01BB0B20, bp 01BB0B04, ip 5, OpenGLSamplesSessionManager(SessionManager)>>logError:} receiver: a OpenGLSamplesSessionManager arg[0]: a FileException
New Method: VMLibrary>>dump:path:stackDepth:walkbackDepth: Message Selector: dump:path:stackDepth:walkbackDepth:
*----> Stack Back Trace <----* {01BB0B08: cf 01BB0AE9, sp 01BB0B20, bp 01BB0B04, ip 5, OpenGLSamplesSessionManager(SessionManager)>>logError:} receiver: a OpenGLSamplesSessionManager arg[0]: a FileException
{01BB0AE8: cf 01BB0AC9, sp 01BB0AFC, bp 01BB0AE4, ip 3, OpenGLSamplesSessionManager(SessionManager)>>unhandledException:} receiver: a OpenGLSamplesSessionManager arg[0]: a FileException
{01BB0AC8: cf 01BB0AA9, sp 01BB0ADC, bp 01BB0AC4, ip 3, OpenGLSamplesSessionManager(SessionManager)>>onUnhandledError:}
receiver: a OpenGLSamplesSessionManager arg[0]: a FileException
{01BB0AA8: cf 01BB0A8D, sp 01BB0ABC, bp 01BB0AA8, ip 5, FileException(Error)>>defaultAction} receiver: a FileException
{01BB0A8C: cf 01BB0A59, sp 01BB0AA0, bp 01BB0A74, ip 55, FileException(Exception)>>_propagateFrom:} receiver: a FileException
arg[0]: a ExceptionHandler stack temp[0]: nil stack temp[1]: a ExceptionHandler stack temp[2]: nil stack temp[3]: a Process('Main' base 01BB0000 [ACTIVE] in SessionManager>>logError: sp=00000000 ip=4 list=02020010) stack temp[4]: nil
{01BB0A58: cf 01BB0A39, sp 01BB0A6C, bp 01BB0A54, ip 6,
FileException(Exception)>>_propagate} receiver: a FileException stack temp[0]: nil
{01BB0A38: cf 01BB0A1D, sp 01BB0A4C, bp 01BB0A38, ip 11, FileException(Exception)>>signal} receiver: a FileException
{01BB0A1C: cf 01BB09F9, sp 01BB0A30, bp 01BB0A14, ip 5, FileException class>>signalOn:resumable:} receiver:
FileException arg[0]: a File arg[1]: false
{01BB09F8: cf 01BB09D9, sp 01BB0A0C, bp 01BB09F4, ip 4, File>>signalOsError:} receiver: a File arg[0]: false
{01BB09D8: cf 01BB09AD, sp 01BB09EC, bp 01BB09C8, ip 33, File>>seek:sense:} receiver: a File arg[0]: 335872 arg[1]: 0 stack temp[0]: a LargeInteger(00000000 ffffffff ) stack temp[1]: a DWORDBytes
{01BB09AC: cf 01BB0989, sp 01BB09C0, bp 01BB09A8, ip 4, File>>position:} receiver: a File
arg[0]: 335872
{01BB0988: cf 01BB096D, sp 01BB09A0, bp 01BB0988, ip 9, FileStream>>writePage} receiver: a FileStream
{01BB096C: cf 01BB094D, sp 01BB0980, bp 01BB096C, ip 4, FileStream>>flush} receiver: a FileStream
{01BB094C: cf 01BB0929, sp 01BB0964, bp 01BB0944, ip 23, FileStream>>position:} receiver: a FileStream arg[0]: 227374 stack temp[0]: 227375
{01BB0928: cf 01BB0909, sp 01BB093C, bp 01BB0924, ip 5, ChunkSourceFiler>>getSourceFromDescriptor:} receiver: a ChunkSourceFiler arg[0]: 3637986
{01BB0908: cf 01BB08E5, sp 01BB091C, bp 01BB0900, ip 19, [] in
SourceManager>>getSourceFromDescriptor:} receiver: nil
{01BB08E4: cf 01BB08B5, sp 01BB08F8, bp 01BB08D8, ip 35, [] in Mutex>>critical:} receiver: a Mutex
{01BB08B4: cf 01BB0895, sp 01BB08C8, bp 01BB08B0, ip 18, BlockClosure>>ifCurtailed:} receiver: [] @ 0 in nil arg[0]: [] @ 45 in
{01BB0894: cf 01BB0871, sp 01BB08A8, bp 01BB088C, ip 3, BlockClosure>>ensure:} receiver: [] @ 23 in Mutex>>critical: arg[0]: [] @ 45 in Mutex>>critical: stack temp[0]: nil
{01BB0870: cf 01BB0849, sp 01BB0884, bp 01BB0864, ip 75, Mutex>>critical:} receiver: a Mutex arg[0]: [] @ 16 in SourceManager>>getSourceFromDescriptor: stack temp[0]: a Process('Main' base 01BB0000 [ACTIVE] in SessionManager>>logError: sp=00000000 ip=4 list=02020010) stack temp[1]: a Array
{01BB0848: cf 01BB0821, sp 01BB085C, bp 01BB0840, ip 21, SourceManager>>getSourceFromDescriptor:} receiver: a SourceManager arg[0]:
3637986 stack temp[0]: a ChunkSourceFiler
{01BB0820: cf 01BB0805, sp 01BB0838, bp 01BB0820, ip 5, OpenGLExample01 class(Class)>>comment} receiver: OpenGLExample01
{01BB0804: cf 01BB07E5, sp 01BB0818, bp 01BB0800, ip 11, [] in OpenGLSampleShell>>getCommentFor:} receiver: nil
{01BB07E4: cf
01BB07C9, sp 01BB07F8, bp 01BB07E4, ip 13, ExceptionHandler(ExceptionHandlerAbstract)>>markAndTry} receiver: a ExceptionHandler
{01BB07C8: cf 01BB07A1, sp 01BB07DC, bp 01BB07C4, ip 22, [] in ExceptionHandler(ExceptionHandlerAbstract)>>try:} receiver: a ExceptionHandler
{01BB07A0: cf 01BB0781, sp 01BB07B4, bp 01BB079C, ip 18, BlockClosure>>ifCurtailed:} receiver: [] @ 0 in nil arg[0]: [] @ 39 in ExceptionHandlerAbstract>>try:
{01BB0780: cf 01BB075D, sp 01BB0794, bp 01BB0778, ip 3, BlockClosure>>ensure:} receiver: [] @ 17 in ExceptionHandlerAbstract>>try: arg[0]: [] @ 39 in ExceptionHandlerAbstract>>try: stack temp[0]: nil
{01BB075C: cf 01BB0735, sp 01BB0770, bp 01BB0750, ip 44,
ExceptionHandler(ExceptionHandlerAbstract)>>try:} receiver: a ExceptionHandler arg[0]: [] @ 9 in OpenGLSampleShell>>getCommentFor: stack temp[0]: a ExceptionHandler stack temp[1]: a Process('Main' base 01BB0000 [ACTIVE] in SessionManager>>logError: sp=00000000 ip=4 list=02020010) env temp[0]: nil
{01BB0734: cf 01BB0711, sp
01BB0748, bp 01BB072C, ip 7, BlockClosure>>on:do:} receiver: [] @ 9 in OpenGLSampleShell>>getCommentFor: arg[0]: MessageNotUnderstood arg[1]: [] @ 21 in OpenGLSampleShell>>getCommentFor:
{01BB0710: cf 01BB06ED, sp 01BB0724, bp 01BB070C, ip 26, OpenGLSampleShell>>getCommentFor:} receiver: a OpenGLSampleShell arg[0]:
{01BB06EC: cf 01BB06C9, sp 01BB0704, bp 01BB06E4, ip 34, OpenGLSampleShell>>onSampleSelected} receiver: a OpenGLSampleShell stack temp[0]: OpenGLExample01 stack temp[1]: nil
{01BB06C8: cf 01BB06A5, sp 01BB06DC, bp 01BB06C0, ip 13, EventMessageSend>>forwardTo:withArguments:} receiver: a
EventMessageSend arg[0]: a OpenGLSampleShell arg[1]: a Array
{01BB06A4: cf 01BB0689, sp 01BB06B8, bp 01BB06A4, ip 5, EventMessageSend>>value} receiver: a EventMessageSend
{01BB0688: cf 01BB0661, sp 01BB069C, bp 01BB0684, ip 11, [] in MessageSequenceAbstract>>value} receiver: nil arg[0]: a EventMessageSend
{01BB0660: cf 01BB0631, sp 01BB067C, bp 01BB064C, ip 30, EventMessageSequence>>messagesDo:} receiver: a EventMessageSequence arg[0]: [] @ 9 in MessageSequenceAbstract>>value stack temp[0]: a DeadObject stack temp[1]: 1 stack temp[2]: a
OpenGLSampleShell stack temp[3]: a EventMessageSend
{01BB0630: cf 01BB0615, sp 01BB0644, bp 01BB0630, ip 15, EventMessageSequence(MessageSequenceAbstract)>>value} receiver: a EventMessageSequence env temp[0]: nil
{01BB0614: cf 01BB05F5, sp 01BB0628, bp 01BB0610, ip 8, EventsCollection>>triggerEvent:} receiver: a
EventsCollection arg[0]: selectionChanged
{01BB05F4: cf 01BB05D5, sp 01BB0608, bp 01BB05F0, ip 4, ListPresenter(Object)>>trigger:} receiver: a ListPresenter arg[0]: selectionChanged
{01BB05D4: cf 01BB05B9, sp 01BB05E8, bp 01BB05D4, ip 4, ListBox(ListControlView)>>onSelectionChanged} receiver: a ListBox
{01BB05B8: cf 01BB059D, sp 01BB05CC, bp 01BB05B8, ip 3, ListPresenter(SelectableItemsPresenter)>>onSelectionChanged} receiver: a ListPresenter
{01BB059C: cf 01BB057D, sp 01BB05B0, bp 01BB0598, ip 6, ListBox(ListControlView)>>onSelChanged:} receiver: a ListBox arg[0]: a Array
{01BB057C: cf 01BB055D, sp
01BB0590, bp 01BB0578, ip 7, ListBox(BasicListAbstract)>>onSelChanged:} receiver: a ListBox arg[0]: a Array
{01BB055C: cf 01BB053D, sp 01BB0570, bp 01BB0558, ip 24, ListBox(BasicListAbstract)>>onSelChanging} receiver: a ListBox stack temp[0]: a Array
{01BB053C: cf 01BB0521, sp 01BB0550, bp 01BB053C, ip 2,
ListBox>>lbnSelChange} receiver: a ListBox
{01BB0520: cf 01BB04F9, sp 01BB0534, bp 01BB0514, ip 11, ListBox>>command:id:} receiver: a ListBox arg[0]: 1 arg[1]: 4100 stack temp[0]: lbnSelChange
{01BB04F8: cf
01BB04C5, sp 01BB050C, bp 01BB04E0, ip 34, ContainerView(View)>>wmCommand:wParam:lParam:} receiver: a ContainerView arg[0]: 273 arg[1]: 69636 arg[2]: 9700190 stack temp[0]: 4100 stack temp[1]: nil stack temp[2]: a ListBox
{01BB04C4: cf 01BB0495, sp 01BB04D8, bp 01BB04B0, ip 23, ContainerView(View)>>dispatchMessage:wParam:lParam:} receiver: a ContainerView arg[0]: 273 arg[1]: 69636 arg[2]: 9700190 stack temp[0]: nil stack temp[1]: wmCommand:wParam:lParam:
{01BB0494: cf 01BB0461, sp 01BB04A8, bp 01BB0484, ip 70, [] in InputState>>wndProc:message:wParam:lParam:cookie:} receiver: nil
{01BB0460: cf 01BB0439, sp 01BB0474, bp 01BB045C, ip 18, BlockClosure>>ifCurtailed:} receiver: [] @ 0 in nil arg[0]: [] @ 11 in ProcessorScheduler>>callback:evaluate:
{01BB0438: cf 01BB0415, sp
01BB0454, bp 01BB0430, ip 15, ProcessorScheduler>>callback:evaluate:} receiver: a ProcessorScheduler arg[0]: 6323044 arg[1]: [] @ 64 in InputState>>wndProc:message:wParam:lParam:cookie:
{01BB0414: cf 01BB03C9, sp 01BB0428, bp 01BB03FC, ip 73, InputState>>wndProc:message:wParam:lParam:cookie:} receiver: a InputState arg[0]:
7275440 arg[1]: 273 arg[2]: 69636 arg[3]: 9700190 arg[4]: 6323044 stack temp[0]: a ContainerView
{01BB03C8: cf 01BB03A1, sp 01BB03F4, bp 01BB03BC, ip 10, ListBox(ControlView)>>defaultWindowProcessing:wParam:lParam:} receiver: a
ListBox arg[0]: 514 arg[1]: 0 arg[2]: 655468
{01BB03A0: cf 01BB0381, sp 01BB03B4, bp 01BB039C, ip 15, ListBox(View)>>defaultWindowProcessing:} receiver: a ListBox arg[0]: a MouseEvent
{01BB0380: cf 01BB0361, sp
01BB0394, bp 01BB037C, ip 8, ListBox(View)>>onLeftButtonReleased:} receiver: a ListBox arg[0]: a MouseEvent
{01BB0360: cf 01BB0341, sp 01BB0374, bp 01BB035C, ip 4, ListPresenter(Presenter)>>onLeftButtonReleased:} receiver: a ListPresenter arg[0]: a MouseEvent
{01BB0340: cf 01BB0319, sp 01BB0354, bp 01BB0334, ip
10, ListBox(View)>>wmLButtonUp:wParam:lParam:} receiver: a ListBox arg[0]: 514 arg[1]: 0 arg[2]: 655468
{01BB0318: cf 01BB02E9, sp 01BB032C, bp 01BB0304, ip 23, ListBox(View)>>dispatchMessage:wParam:lParam:} receiver: a ListBox
arg[0]: 514 arg[1]: 0 arg[2]: 655468 stack temp[0]: nil stack temp[1]: wmLButtonUp:wParam:lParam:
{01BB02E8: cf 01BB02B5, sp 01BB02FC, bp 01BB02D8, ip 70, [] in InputState>>wndProc:message:wParam:lParam:cookie:} receiver: nil
{01BB02B4: cf 01BB028D, sp 01BB02C8, bp 01BB02B0, ip 18, BlockClosure>>ifCurtailed:} receiver: [] @ 0 in nil arg[0]: [] @ 11 in ProcessorScheduler>>callback:evaluate:
{01BB028C: cf 01BB0269, sp 01BB02A8, bp 01BB0284, ip 15, ProcessorScheduler>>callback:evaluate:} receiver: a ProcessorScheduler arg[0]: 6323644 arg[1]:
[] @ 64 in InputState>>wndProc:message:wParam:lParam:cookie:
{01BB0268: cf 01BB0229, sp 01BB027C, bp 01BB0250, ip 73, InputState>>wndProc:message:wParam:lParam:cookie:} receiver: a InputState arg[0]: 9700190 arg[1]: 514 arg[2]: 0 arg[3]: 655468 arg[4]: 6323644 stack temp[0]: a ListBox
{01BB0228: cf 01BB0209, sp 01BB0248, bp 01BB0224, ip 6, ShellView(View)>>isDialogMessage:} receiver: a ShellView arg[0]: a MSG
{01BB0208: cf 01BB01E9, sp 01BB021C, bp 01BB0204, ip 5, ShellView>>preTranslateMouseInput:} receiver: a
ShellView arg[0]: a MSG
{01BB01E8: cf 01BB01C9, sp 01BB01FC, bp 01BB01E4, ip 13, ShellView(View)>>preTranslateMessage:} receiver: a ShellView arg[0]: a MSG
{01BB01C8: cf 01BB01A1, sp 01BB01DC, bp 01BB01BC, ip 17, InputState>>preTranslateMessage:} receiver: a InputState arg[0]: a MSG stack temp[0]: 5899104 stack temp[1]: a ShellView
{01BB01A0: cf 01BB0181, sp 01BB01B4, bp 01BB019C, ip 20, InputState>>pumpMessage:} receiver: a InputState arg[0]: a MSG
{01BB0180: cf 01BB0155, sp 01BB0194, bp 01BB0170, ip 18,
InputState>>loopWhile:} receiver: a InputState arg[0]: [] @ 9 in InputState>>mainLoop stack temp[0]: a MSG stack temp[1]: true stack temp[2]: [] @ 25 in ShellView>>onViewActivated:
{01BB0154: cf 01BB0139, sp 01BB0168, bp 01BB0154, ip 15, InputState>>mainLoop} receiver: a InputState
{01BB0138: cf 01BB011D, sp 01BB014C, bp 01BB0138, ip 14, [] in InputState>>forkMain} receiver: a InputState
{01BB011C: cf 01BB0101, sp 01BB0130, bp 01BB011C, ip 13, ExceptionHandler(ExceptionHandlerAbstract)>>markAndTry} receiver: a ExceptionHandler
{01BB0100: cf 01BB00D9, sp 01BB0114, bp 01BB00FC, ip 22, [] in
ExceptionHandler(ExceptionHandlerAbstract)>>try:} receiver: a ExceptionHandler
{01BB00D8: cf 01BB00B9, sp 01BB00EC, bp 01BB00D4, ip 18, BlockClosure>>ifCurtailed:} receiver: [] @ 0 in nil arg[0]: [] @ 39 in ExceptionHandlerAbstract>>try:
{01BB00B8: cf 01BB0095, sp 01BB00CC, bp 01BB00B0, ip 3, BlockClosure>>ensure:} receiver: [] @ 17 in ExceptionHandlerAbstract>>try: arg[0]: [] @ 39 in ExceptionHandlerAbstract>>try: stack temp[0]: nil
{01BB0094: cf 01BB006D, sp 01BB00A8, bp 01BB0088, ip 44, ExceptionHandler(ExceptionHandlerAbstract)>>try:} receiver: a ExceptionHandler arg[0]: [] @ 10 in InputState>>forkMain stack temp[0]: nil stack temp[1]: a Process('Main' base 01BB0000 [ACTIVE] in SessionManager>>logError: sp=00000000 ip=4 list=02020010) env temp[0]: nil
{01BB006C: cf 01BB0049, sp 01BB0080, bp 01BB0064, ip 7, BlockClosure>>on:do:} receiver: [] @ 10 in InputState>>forkMain arg[0]: ProcessTermination
arg[1]: [] @ 13 in BlockClosure>>newProcess
{01BB0048: cf 00000001, sp 01BB005C, bp 01BB0048, ip 17, [] in BlockClosure>>newProcess} receiver: [] @ 10 in InputState>>forkMain
<Bottom of stack>
***** End of dump *****
--- El jue 4-nov-10, GallegO <[hidden email]> escribió:
De: GallegO <[hidden email]> Asunto: Re: [clubSmalltalk] Dolphin: exe ? Para: [hidden email] Fecha: jueves, 4 de noviembre de 2010, 16:19
1) Redefini #whatsThis: en tu SessionManager para que no haga nada
2) Estas Evaluando algo de codigo? Fijate como armaste el session manager. De ultima ponele un file vacio con el mismo nombre que te pide en el path.
Y de paso fijate si agrego algo ahi, en el changes.
Ahh para (1) podes usar un poco la imaginacion, adentro sigue siendo el mismo Smalltalk, quiero decir, en el image, implementors de popupHelpFile y luego references (senders) y te das cuenta al toque :)
Saludos GallegO El 4 de noviembre de 2010 15:03, Jose Gregoris <kikodelphi@...> escribió:
Tengo la version comunitaria y esta no permite hacer exes, pero si hacer algo parecido.
El tema es que luego de hacer el deploy, me genera un achivo que puedo correr como si fuera un exe, pero me da dos errores.
1)popupHelpFile is the responsibility of the subclass
Esto me deja seguir, luego esto:
2)--------------------------- Dolphin --------------------------- 'C:\Documents and Settings\Gregoris.GREGORIS-3FDB03\Mis documentos\DolphinX6\Community Edition.chg' - Controlador no válido. ---------------------------
Aceptar ---------------------------
Cual es el problema ?
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