Dolphin exe

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Dolphin exe

Phillip Rees
Is it possible to create exe files from Dolphin Smalltalk?

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Re: Dolphin exe

Ian Bartholomew
"Phillip Rees" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:8t7kh0$mkc$[hidden email]...
> Is it possible to create exe files from Dolphin Smalltalk?

Yus. You have to buy an add-on known as the Application Deployment Kit (ADK)
which allows you to deploy to an .exe file and provides a license to
distribute the resulting files. See the ObjectArts web site for pricing and details.

The exe files produced by Dolphin 3.0 are a bit large (around 1.3 meg
minimum) but the forthcoming release 4.0 is, allegedly, going to
substantially reduce this.


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Re: Dolphin exe

Ian Bartholomew

Make that

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Re: Dolphin exe

Blair McGlashan
In reply to this post by Ian Bartholomew
"Ian Bartholomew" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:8t7mg6$mju9i$[hidden email]...
> "Phillip Rees" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
> news:8t7kh0$mkc$[hidden email]...
> > Is it possible to create exe files from Dolphin Smalltalk?
> ....
> The exe files produced by Dolphin 3.0 are a bit large (around 1.3 meg
> minimum) but the forthcoming release 4.0 is, allegedly, going to
> substantially reduce this.

The alleged size of executables produced by Dolphin 4.0 are as follows:

372Kb    Hello World (console/command line)
495Kb    Hello World (windowed with some use of simple graphics)
589Kb    Scribble (graphical scribble sample)
681Kb    Notepad (precise clone of Windows notepad, except no printing)
721Kb    Etch-a-Sketch (scribble but with an interface like the childs toy)
787Kb    RegEdit (reduced functionality clone of Windows RegEdit)
792Kb    Chat (instance messenging sample using sockets)
808Kb    Personal Money (tutorial app with a few forms)
991Kb    AvatarChat (instant messaging with Microsoft Agent control Avatars)
1Mb        Simple Web Browser (hosts Microsoft Web Browser control)
1.4Mb    Complete rules processing language development environment with
XML, browser, graphical dependency tree, etc

By C standards these are large, but not by image-based ST standards. Also
the EXEs grow pretty slowly over 1Mb. We haven't yet heard of a deployed
application of 2Mb or more.

All sizes are approximate and may vary a little in the final release.

Alternatively apps can be deployed as binary packages for hosting in
Internet Explorer or Netscape using the Dolphin plugin. The binary packages
are very small - Hello World is 3Kb, Notepad 7Kb.

