Dolphin wiki deleted

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Dolphin wiki deleted

Giorgio Ferraris

It seems to mi that nothing has been left on the Dolphin wiki. Someone else
could confirm or is just my problem?

Thanks and a late happy new year!
Giorgio Ferraris
Eleven srl
Moncalieri (TO) Italy

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Re: Dolphin wiki deleted

Andy Bower

> It seems to mi that nothing has been left on the Dolphin wiki. Someone
> could confirm or is just my problem?

It appears that the Wiki was trashed by another renegade robot that doesn't
recognize the  instructions in our ROBOTS.TXT metafile. Anyway, I've rolled
back the pages of the Wiki to their previous state. If you find any
omissions please let me know.

BTW you may have to wait until your ISP refreshes their web page cache
before the changes become visible (well I did, anyway).

Best Regards,

Andy Bower
Dolphin Support
Are you trying too hard?