DolphinSure Not Signed Warning on Live Update

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DolphinSure Not Signed Warning on Live Update

Bill Dargel

I just used Live Update to install Patch Level 1 "update to 5.0.1" into
a fresh D5 Pro image. I was somewhat surprised by the Security Warning
for DolphinSure that came up: "Not Signed Warning", saying that it was
Unknown Content. Is there some reason why you haven't digitally signed
your official patches?

...Ah, if one says "Yes, trust this content" then a moment later, a
second security warning pops up with the Digital Certificate for Patch
Level 1 with Object Arts Ltd as the Publisher.

I don't think that first Not Signed Warning should be there. Is this a
known issue, or is it something that only occurs on my Win98 (IE5.5)


Bill Dargel            [hidden email]
Shoshana Technologies
100 West Joy Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48105  USA

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Re: DolphinSure Not Signed Warning on Live Update

Andy Bower

> I just used Live Update to install Patch Level 1 "update to 5.0.1" into
> a fresh D5 Pro image. I was somewhat surprised by the Security Warning
> for DolphinSure that came up: "Not Signed Warning", saying that it was
> Unknown Content. Is there some reason why you haven't digitally signed
> your official patches?
> ...Ah, if one says "Yes, trust this content" then a moment later, a
> second security warning pops up with the Digital Certificate for Patch
> Level 1 with Object Arts Ltd as the Publisher.
> I don't think that first Not Signed Warning should be there. Is this a
> known issue, or is it something that only occurs on my Win98 (IE5.5)
> system?

This is a known problem and will only occur the first time Live Update is
used on any particular image. Please see my post of 17/5/02 entitled
"Dolphin XP 5.0.1 Live Update" for an explanation.

Best Regards,

Andy Bower
Dolphin Support
Are you trying too hard?

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Re: DolphinSure Not Signed Warning on Live Update

Christopher J. Demers
In reply to this post by Bill Dargel
Bill Dargel <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:[hidden email]...
> Andy/Blair
> I just used Live Update to install Patch Level 1 "update to 5.0.1" into
> a fresh D5 Pro image. I was somewhat surprised by the Security Warning
> for DolphinSure that came up: "Not Signed Warning", saying that it was
> Unknown Content. Is there some reason why you haven't digitally signed
> your official patches?

This was a known issue fixed in the update you just applied.  Next time it
should work.

See for more info.
