Dolphinharbor News

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Dolphinharbor News

Steve Waring-2
Dolphinharbor News

**Apache and FastCGI

Dolphinharbor is now being served by Apache and mod_fastcgi [1]. FastCGI
allows us to run multiple Dolphin images and executables behind Apache.
Currently we have one image and one Dolphin 4 test executable (800k)
running. The test executable is located at [2] .The packages to enable
Dolphin to run as a FastCGI Application are still in early beta, information
is at [3].

**Interop with Squeak's SoapOpera

SoapOpera's Masashi Umezawa has written some instructions on sending soap
messages between SoapOpera and Spray/Splash. A screenshot can be seen at
[4]. More information can be found on the Splash wiki page [5] and
SoapOpera's home page [6]. Have fun!

**Spray Development

A new section of Dolphinharbor has been opened to support Spray's ongoing
development. It includes information for:

*Round 3 Interop testing

Dolphinharbor now has Round 3 Soap and WSDL interop test endpoints for
Spray. Information on these tests can be found at [7] and the Dolphinharbor
endpoints at [8]

*XMethods Interop

Results [9] of testing Sprays ability to interop with the WebServices listed
on XMethods [10]. The news is that there is more green showing, and the
addition of the "ShowIt" links which link to a page built from the source of
the test class and formatted with a custom RB formatter.

**Dolphinharbor WebServices

Dolphinharbor is currently hosting 38 different WebServices written using
Spray for Dolphin Smalltalk. Most of these services are interop related.

As a test, Ted Bracht recently converted some of the Models from his book
[11] to a WebService. The WSDL can be found at [12]. It is a work in
progress, but the operations listed in the WSDL are live.

If you have any ideas for WebServices written in Smalltalk, or you have
models that you would like to convert to a WebService, please contact Steve

Steve Waring
Jerry Bell
