Domaintalk - A Proposed New Project Second Attempt

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Domaintalk - A Proposed New Project Second Attempt

Bob Williams
It would appear that there is some interest in the Domaintalk project, but from the responses I received it is clear you need to see my full proposal to appreciate the scope of what is being proposed and determine if it is something that the Pharo project wants to do. The more extensive is currently over five pages of single spaced text and I think that that is excessive for the body of an email and I am not sure if your email system allows attachments. My problem is that I do not have access to a Web site; therefore, I am looking for a place where I can post the proposal document.

Some help please.
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Re: Domaintalk - A Proposed New Project Second Attempt

Esteban A. Maringolo
Upload it to Dropbox or similar Cloud hosting.

Send it to me and I can do it for you.
Esteban A. Maringolo

2014-04-22 12:52 GMT-03:00 Bob Williams <[hidden email]>:

> It would appear that there is some interest in the Domaintalk project, but
> from the responses I received it is clear you need to see my full proposal
> to appreciate the scope of what is being proposed and determine if it is
> something that the Pharo project wants to do. The more extensive is
> currently over five pages of single spaced text and I think that that is
> excessive for the body of an email and I am not sure if your email system
> allows attachments. My problem is that I do not have access to a Web site;
> therefore, I am looking for a place where I can post the proposal document.
> Some help please.

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Re: Domaintalk - A Proposed New Project Second Attempt

Sergi Reyner
2014-04-22 17:01 GMT+01:00 Esteban A. Maringolo <[hidden email]>:
Upload it to Dropbox or similar Cloud hosting.

Send it to me and I can do it for you.

Or just pastebin it.