Don't getting started the Help Site, the Tutorial and the Education Centre

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Don't getting started the Help Site, the Tutorial and the Education Centre

Maik Schmalstich
I recently installed the free version of Dolphin V. 2.1 Patch Level 2.

Everytime i want to start help, guided tour or the additionally installted
education centre, I get an error message of not finding the shell32.dll and
the topics doesn't start.

But the shell32.dll is on the demanded place.

What can I do?

Maik Schmalstich
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Re: Don't getting started the Help Site, the Tutorial and the Education Centre

Ian Bartholomew-4

> I recently installed the free version of Dolphin V. 2.1 Patch Level 2.


> Everytime i want to start help, guided tour or the additionally installted
> education centre, I get an error message of not finding the shell32.dll
> and the topics doesn't start.
> But the shell32.dll is on the demanded place.

I can't help much with this bit I'm afraid, other than to say that it works
correctly for me!. Dolphin opens up the Shell32 DLL in the same way as it
does all the other system DLLs it uses so I would guess it is something
strange on your system (which OS do you use?) with regard to that one file.

> What can I do?

The Dolphin help system in 2.1 is based on html files and is browsed using
your normal web browser, the application associated with htm(l) extensions.
If you look in the Dolpin/EducationCentre folder you will find files called
"LocalEducationCentre.htm" and "GuidedTour.htm". Double clicking on these
will do the same thing as selecting the menu option in Dolphin. The tutorial
can be started using "Tutorial.htm" in the tutorial sub folder.
