Doubling up on columns??

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Doubling up on columns??

Bill Schwab-2

Please take a look at DBAbstractRow>>= and #hash; they look like they could
be mis-matched (one is using contents and the other columns, at least in my
image).  Appologies if this is already patched or if I'm missing an obvious
connection between them.

Have a good one,


Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]

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Re: Doubling up on columns??

Blair McGlashan-2

You wrote in message news:bfhq56$evv88$[hidden email]...
> Please take a look at DBAbstractRow>>= and #hash; they look like they
> be mis-matched (one is using contents and the other columns, at least in
> image).  Appologies if this is already patched or if I'm missing an
> connection between them.

Indeed.  At the very least it is a potential performance issue that every
row resulting from a query will have the same hash. Recorded as #1308.



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Re: Doubling up on columns??

Bill Schwab-2

> Indeed.  At the very least it is a potential performance issue that every
> row resulting from a query will have the same hash. Recorded as #1308.

A quick follow up: the problem (suggested by the subject line) I was having
at the time turned out to be unrelated to Dolphin.  The database in question
includes multiple "name spaces", and I was getting columns from multiple
tables that matched the name.  Specifying an owner fixed it.

Have a good one,


Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]