Downloadable content

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Downloadable content

Alexandre BP

I'd like to add a downloadable content on my website and I don't have any idea how to do that. 
I saw the fileUpload method in the WARenderCanvas to upload a file on the server but I don't find anything to download a file from it...
Where should I put the downloadable file and how to export it to the computer of the client?

Thx in advance,


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Re: Downloadable content

You can put downloadable content in a file library or serve directly from the file system via the webserver w/o going through Seaside.

On Fri, Dec 17, 2010 at 12:10 PM, alexandre bp <[hidden email]> wrote:

I'd like to add a downloadable content on my website and I don't have any idea how to do that. 
I saw the fileUpload method in the WARenderCanvas to upload a file on the server but I don't find anything to download a file from it...
Where should I put the downloadable file and how to export it to the computer of the client?

Thx in advance,


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Re: Downloadable content

Alexandre BP
Thank you for you reply.
yes but the problem is that I don't understand how to give the file to the client from the file library....
It must be very stupid but I have never done it  (even in PHP)  so I have no clue...

2010/12/17 Sean Allen <[hidden email]>
You can put downloadable content in a file library or serve directly from the file system via the webserver w/o going through Seaside.

On Fri, Dec 17, 2010 at 12:10 PM, alexandre bp <[hidden email]> wrote:

I'd like to add a downloadable content on my website and I don't have any idea how to do that. 
I saw the fileUpload method in the WARenderCanvas to upload a file on the server but I don't find anything to download a file from it...
Where should I put the downloadable file and how to export it to the computer of the client?

Thx in advance,


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Re: Downloadable content

Bob Arning
Take a look at WAUploadFunctionalTest>>renderDownloadLinksOn: for an example of download links.


On 12/18/10 10:46 AM, alexandre bp wrote:
Thank you for you reply.
yes but the problem is that I don't understand how to give the file to the client from the file library....
It must be very stupid but I have never done it  (even in PHP)  so I have no clue...

2010/12/17 Sean Allen <[hidden email]>
You can put downloadable content in a file library or serve directly from the file system via the webserver w/o going through Seaside.

On Fri, Dec 17, 2010 at 12:10 PM, alexandre bp <[hidden email]> wrote:

I'd like to add a downloadable content on my website and I don't have any idea how to do that. 
I saw the fileUpload method in the WARenderCanvas to upload a file on the server but I don't find anything to download a file from it...
Where should I put the downloadable file and how to export it to the computer of the client?

Thx in advance,


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Re: Downloadable content

Bob Nemec
In reply to this post by Alexandre BP
Here's some old code that I've been using.  There may be a more current option. 
In the 'download file' callback method... 
byteArray := [path asFilename contentsOfEntireBinaryFile]
on: Error
do: [:ex | ex description].
byteArray isString ifTrue: [^self parent prompt: byteArray title: 'Error reading: ', path asString].

self session 
downloadBinary: byteArray 
mimeType: (WAFileLibrary mimetypeFor: self fileSuffix) 
filename: filename
(my session class)>>downloadBinary: aContents mimeType: aMimeType filename: aFileName

self requestContext respond: [:response |
contentType: aMimeType;
nextPutAll: aContents; 
attachmentWithFileName: aFileName;
headerAt: 'Content-length' put: aContents size printString;

On Sat, Dec 18, 2010 at 10:46 AM, alexandre bp <[hidden email]> wrote:
Thank you for you reply.
yes but the problem is that I don't understand how to give the file to the client from the file library....
It must be very stupid but I have never done it  (even in PHP)  so I have no clue...

2010/12/17 Sean Allen <[hidden email]>
You can put downloadable content in a file library or serve directly from the file system via the webserver w/o going through Seaside.

On Fri, Dec 17, 2010 at 12:10 PM, alexandre bp <[hidden email]> wrote:

I'd like to add a downloadable content on my website and I don't have any idea how to do that. 
I saw the fileUpload method in the WARenderCanvas to upload a file on the server but I don't find anything to download a file from it...
Where should I put the downloadable file and how to export it to the computer of the client?

Thx in advance,


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Re: Downloadable content

Bob Arning
In reply to this post by Alexandre BP
Here's an approach:

1. Create an external directory you want to share

2. Tell seaside where it is:
| mylib |
mylib := WAExternalFileLibrary new.
mylib preferenceAt: #directory put: '/downloadable'.    "<--- absolute path you your directory"
mylib preferenceAt: #listing put: true.
WADispatcher default register: mylib at: 'mystuff'

3. Put a link that point to the file you want the user to download:
    html anchor
        url: '/mystuff/filenumber1';
        type: ( WAMimeType new main: 'text'; sub: 'csv');
        with: 'text for anchor'.

4. Or a link that let's them download any file in the directory:
    html anchor
        url: '/mystuff/';
        with: 'text for anchor'.


On 12/18/10 10:46 AM, alexandre bp wrote:
Thank you for you reply.
yes but the problem is that I don't understand how to give the file to the client from the file library....
It must be very stupid but I have never done it  (even in PHP)  so I have no clue...

2010/12/17 Sean Allen <[hidden email]>
You can put downloadable content in a file library or serve directly from the file system via the webserver w/o going through Seaside.

On Fri, Dec 17, 2010 at 12:10 PM, alexandre bp <[hidden email]> wrote:

I'd like to add a downloadable content on my website and I don't have any idea how to do that. 
I saw the fileUpload method in the WARenderCanvas to upload a file on the server but I don't find anything to download a file from it...
Where should I put the downloadable file and how to export it to the computer of the client?

Thx in advance,


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Re: Downloadable content

Philippe Marschall
In reply to this post by Alexandre BP
2010/12/17 alexandre bp <[hidden email]>:
> Hi,
> I'd like to add a downloadable content on my website and I don't have any
> idea how to do that.
> I saw the fileUpload method in the WARenderCanvas to upload a file on the
> server but I don't find anything to download a file from it...
> Where should I put the downloadable file and how to export it to the
> computer of the client?

For production deployments we recommend configuring Apache to serve the files:

It's a bit of work to set up but very reliable, fast and doesn't put
any load on your Smalltalk image.

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Re: Downloadable content

Alexandre BP
In reply to this post by Bob Nemec
Thx a lot everyone I think I have got what I need to understand how it works.
I have already written exactly what I want  thx to you. :-)

2010/12/18 Bob N. <[hidden email]>
Here's some old code that I've been using.  There may be a more current option. 
In the 'download file' callback method... 
byteArray := [path asFilename contentsOfEntireBinaryFile]
on: Error
do: [:ex | ex description].
byteArray isString ifTrue: [^self parent prompt: byteArray title: 'Error reading: ', path asString].

self session 
downloadBinary: byteArray 
mimeType: (WAFileLibrary mimetypeFor: self fileSuffix) 
filename: filename
(my session class)>>downloadBinary: aContents mimeType: aMimeType filename: aFileName

self requestContext respond: [:response |
contentType: aMimeType;
nextPutAll: aContents; 
attachmentWithFileName: aFileName;
headerAt: 'Content-length' put: aContents size printString;

On Sat, Dec 18, 2010 at 10:46 AM, alexandre bp <[hidden email]> wrote:
Thank you for you reply.
yes but the problem is that I don't understand how to give the file to the client from the file library....
It must be very stupid but I have never done it  (even in PHP)  so I have no clue...

2010/12/17 Sean Allen <[hidden email]>
You can put downloadable content in a file library or serve directly from the file system via the webserver w/o going through Seaside.

On Fri, Dec 17, 2010 at 12:10 PM, alexandre bp <[hidden email]> wrote:

I'd like to add a downloadable content on my website and I don't have any idea how to do that. 
I saw the fileUpload method in the WARenderCanvas to upload a file on the server but I don't find anything to download a file from it...
Where should I put the downloadable file and how to export it to the computer of the client?

Thx in advance,


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Re: Downloadable content

Alexandre BP
A last question concerning my problem :s

I'd like to create a file and to send it to the client when he clicks on a link (only one click for both actions).
Here is what I tried:

(html anchor)
"write in a file and save it on the server's harddisk"
      fileWriter handleFile: row nameOfCollection from: row.
"get the content of the previously created file and send it to the client"
      contents := fileLibrary documentForFile: row nameOfCollection , '.xml'.
      self session
           returnResponse: (WAResponse new document: contents mimeType: 'text/xml' fileName: row nameOfCollection).
      parent warning: 'The file has been exported to your computer' ]
      on: FileExistsException
      do: [ :exception | parent warning: exception messageText ] ];
with: 'export'.

I get the following error: 

WAError: My subclass should have overridden #stream

I don't really understand WAResponse, it seams the documentation is out-of-date.
For example the following code is in the seaside book ( and doesn't work anymore because the method "document:mimeType:fileName:" is now on the instance side...

Is there a convenient way to make the document be created after the link is clicked?

Yes, this is a common problem. One solution is to create an anchor and redirect:

html anchor
callback: [
self session returnResponse: (WAResponse
document: anObject
mimeType: aMimeType
fileName: aString) ];
with: 'Export'.
Thank you for your time.

2010/12/18 alexandre bp <[hidden email]>
Thx a lot everyone I think I have got what I need to understand how it works.
I have already written exactly what I want  thx to you. :-)

2010/12/18 Bob N. <[hidden email]>

Here's some old code that I've been using.  There may be a more current option. 
In the 'download file' callback method... 
byteArray := [path asFilename contentsOfEntireBinaryFile]
on: Error
do: [:ex | ex description].
byteArray isString ifTrue: [^self parent prompt: byteArray title: 'Error reading: ', path asString].

self session 
downloadBinary: byteArray 
mimeType: (WAFileLibrary mimetypeFor: self fileSuffix) 
filename: filename
(my session class)>>downloadBinary: aContents mimeType: aMimeType filename: aFileName

self requestContext respond: [:response |
contentType: aMimeType;
nextPutAll: aContents; 
attachmentWithFileName: aFileName;
headerAt: 'Content-length' put: aContents size printString;

On Sat, Dec 18, 2010 at 10:46 AM, alexandre bp <[hidden email]> wrote:
Thank you for you reply.
yes but the problem is that I don't understand how to give the file to the client from the file library....
It must be very stupid but I have never done it  (even in PHP)  so I have no clue...

2010/12/17 Sean Allen <[hidden email]>
You can put downloadable content in a file library or serve directly from the file system via the webserver w/o going through Seaside.

On Fri, Dec 17, 2010 at 12:10 PM, alexandre bp <[hidden email]> wrote:

I'd like to add a downloadable content on my website and I don't have any idea how to do that. 
I saw the fileUpload method in the WARenderCanvas to upload a file on the server but I don't find anything to download a file from it...
Where should I put the downloadable file and how to export it to the computer of the client?

Thx in advance,


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