Drag drop on i-Phone

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Drag drop on i-Phone

>  Hi All,
> i have seaside application writing with GLASS:      Seaside 2.8g1-dkh.624
>     and Scriptaculous.g-dkh243.
> Into PC browser all work well.
> I have test the application into i-phone browser.
> I found that the drag drop d'ont work on it.
> Anyone have idea about this problem ?
> Any pointers would be greatly appreciated!
> Thanks!
> Dario
<    Dario,
<    you should be able to do one of the following:
<    1)  re-target your browser to use one of the Safari Mobile browsers using
<    Safari Desktop
<        Develop ->  User Agent ->  Mobile Safari 3.1.2 - iPhone
<    2)  Using the iPhone Simulator
< Good luck,
Hi Conrad,
But to do the point 1 and 2 i need a Mac personal computer with Leopard OS ?
I'm not expert on javascript library and  mach world.
Anyone work round Drag drop on i-Phone problem ?

Another question,
    i can run squeak on i-phone ?

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Re: Drag drop on i-Phone


On 2009-11-24, at 12:33 PM, Dario Trussardi wrote:

>     i can run squeak on i-phone ?
> Thanks,
>     Dario


John M. McIntosh <[hidden email]>   Twitter:  squeaker68882
Corporate Smalltalk Consulting Ltd.  http://www.smalltalkconsulting.com

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Re: Drag drop on i-Phone

Conrad Taylor
In reply to this post by dtrussardi@tiscali.it
On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 12:33 PM, Dario Trussardi <[hidden email]> wrote:
>  Hi All,
> i have seaside application writing with GLASS:      Seaside 2.8g1-dkh.624
>     and Scriptaculous.g-dkh243.
> Into PC browser all work well.
> I have test the application into i-phone browser.
> I found that the drag drop d'ont work on it.
> Anyone have idea about this problem ?
> Any pointers would be greatly appreciated!
> Thanks!
> Dario
<    Dario,
<    you should be able to do one of the following:
<    1)  re-target your browser to use one of the Safari Mobile browsers using
<    Safari Desktop
<        Develop ->  User Agent ->  Mobile Safari 3.1.2 - iPhone
<    2)  Using the iPhone Simulator
< Good luck,
Hi Conrad,
But to do the point 1 and 2 i need a Mac personal computer with Leopard OS ?
I'm not expert on javascript library and  mach world.
Anyone work round Drag drop on i-Phone problem ?

Another question,
    i can run squeak on i-phone ?

Do you have an iPhone or iPod Touch?  If so, you can start a webserver up on your desktop 
and access the website on the iDevice via the desktop's ip address.  Otherwise, it will tough
to develop for a device if you do not have it.

Good luck,

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Re: Drag drop on i-Phone

Randal L. Schwartz
In reply to this post by dtrussardi@tiscali.it
>>>>> "Dario" == Dario Trussardi <[hidden email]> writes:

>> I have test the application into i-phone browser.
>> I found that the drag drop d'ont work on it.

I don't know of any method of interacting with a web app on the iphone
that allows drag-n-drop.  Dragging in a web browser scrolls the page,
even if there's only enough content to avoid the need to scroll.

Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
<[hidden email]> <URL:http://www.stonehenge.com/merlyn/>
Smalltalk/Perl/Unix consulting, Technical writing, Comedy, etc. etc.
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