is it currently possible to draw underlined text onto AthensCanvas?
|font view|
font := TextStyle defaultFont.
font := font emphasized: TextEmphasis underlined emphasisCode. "<-
underline does NOT work"
"font := font emphasized: TextEmphasis bold emphasisCode." "<- bold works"
view := AthensSceneView new.
view scene: [:canvas |
canvas surface clear: Color black.
canvas setFont: font.
canvas setPaint: Color red.
canvas drawString: font asString.
view openInWindow.
I managed to find this previous discussion, however that is related
more to Morphic
http://forum.world.st/FreeType-fonts-and-underline-strikethrough-emphasis-td4824414.htmlhttps://pharo.fogbugz.com/f/cases/15362/or maybe it's the same?
This also doesn't work for StringMorph (as mentioned in the linked
discussion), however TextMorph seems to work just fine..