Dumb question re date/time picker

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Dumb question re date/time picker

Bill Schwab-2
Hello all,

I have a date/time picker in calendar mode, that had the #canShowNone flag
set.  The user complaint was that it defaulted to showing none.  Is there a
way to have the check box activated by default, but still give the option to
clear it?

Have a good one,


Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]

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Re: Dumb question re date/time picker

Christopher J. Demers
"Bill Schwab" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:bdctt1$remb9$[hidden email]...
> I have a date/time picker in calendar mode, that had the #canShowNone flag
> set.  The user complaint was that it defaulted to showing none.  Is there
> way to have the check box activated by default, but still give the option
> clear it?

My recollection is that it will default to showing none if the value behind
it is nil.  If you default to putting a date behind it then it should use
that date.  So you could initialize it to either nil or some date based on
what you want it to default to.
