Dumb question

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Dumb question

Bill Schwab-2
Hi Blair,

I did a quick rebuild of my beta 4 image from D4 packages and noticed that
the CHB mode selectors look like tabs again.  Possible explanations include
that I've scrambled something on the machine (it reports being beta 4
though), and that you might have changed the download??  I restored
yesterday's image from home and the buttons came back, so it's not that this
machine is incapable of displaying them.

My initial setup was that I downloaded the msi file and built a beta 4 image
at home.  Then on Monday, I downloaded the .exe installer and installed beta
4 at UF and promptly copied the image from home to the machine, and created
a "hard coded" shortcut to launch the image.  Today's "rebuild" of beta 4
was the first time I unlocked the image downloaded from the .exe installer.

Did you make a change that would explain the change in the tabs, or do you
think I botched things on this machine?

Have a good one,


Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]

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Re: Dumb question

Andy Bower

> I did a quick rebuild of my beta 4 image from D4 packages and noticed that
> the CHB mode selectors look like tabs again.  Possible explanations
> that I've scrambled something on the machine (it reports being beta 4
> though), and that you might have changed the download??  I restored
> yesterday's image from home and the buttons came back, so it's not that
> machine is incapable of displaying them.

Is it possible that you took the beta 4 download before (or *very* soon)
after I made the availability announcement. There was a window of probably
about 3-5minutes after I posted the message when the file hadn't finished
copying to the site and an older version  (with button) was up there.

Best Regards,

Andy Bower
Dolphin Support
Are you trying too hard?

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Re: Dumb question

Bill Schwab

> Is it possible that you took the beta 4 download before

I saw the post, which is how I knew to get it...

>  (or *very* soon)
> after

that's possible - it was Friday afternoon or early evening.

> I made the availability announcement. There was a window of probably
> about 3-5minutes after I posted the message when the file hadn't finished
> copying to the site and an older version  (with button) was up there.

Ok, so if anything you seem surprised that I got the button version??  I
will transport a newer default image/change/sources to home and stop
worrying that I might be using a mangled beta 3.

Have a good one,


Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]