DummyQuestion: #super

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DummyQuestion: #super

Dmitry Zamotkin-4
1. Create classes:
Object subclass: #MyParentObject
MyParentObject subclass: #MyChildObject

2. Create methods:

^ 1

^ super myMethod

^ self myMethodVariant

3. Evaluate:
MyChildObject new myMethod

And one million question is:
Why I've got exception "MyChildObject does not understand myMethod"?

Dmitry Zamotkin

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Re: DummyQuestion: #super

Bill Schwab-2

On a quick glance, the part that looks odd to me is:

> MyParentObject>>myMethodVariant
> ^ super myMethod

This is basically asking for Object>>myMethod.  Does that help?

Have a good one,

Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]

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Re: DummyQuestion: #super

Ian Bartholomew-18
In reply to this post by Dmitry Zamotkin-4

This is a sneaky one (in all Smalltalks)  that can be a bit
disconcerting when you come across it.

> 1. Create classes:
> Object subclass: #MyParentObject
> MyParentObject subclass: #MyChildObject
> 2. Create methods:
> MyParentObject>>myMethod
> ^ 1
> MyParentObject>>myMethodVariant
> ^ super myMethod
> MyChildObject>>myMethod
> ^ self myMethodVariant
> 3. Evaluate:
> MyChildObject new myMethod
> And one million question is:
> Why I've got exception "MyChildObject does not understand myMethod"?

#self and #super are behave differently in respect to where they start
searching for the method that should respond to a message.

#self starts searching in the class of the object that recieved the
message.  If a suitable method is not found there then the superclass is
checked - and so on.

#super starts the search in the superclass of the class _containing_ the
method (not the class of the object _receiving_ the message).

So, when MyParentObject>.myMethodVariant is evaluated the search for the
#myMethod method starts in the superclass of MyParentObject (i.e.
Object) -  which causes a walkback.

To quote two lines from the BlueBook (pp62 and 63) that probably explain
it better...

(self) When a method contains a message whose receiver is self, the
search for a method for that message begins in the instance's class,
regardless of which class contains the method containing self.

(super) However, when a message is sent to super, the search for a
method does not begin in the receiver's class but instead, the search
begins in the superclass of the class containing the method.


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Re: DummyQuestion: #super

Andreas Wacknitz
In reply to this post by Dmitry Zamotkin-4
Dmitry Zamotkin wrote:

> 1. Create classes:
> Object subclass: #MyParentObject
> MyParentObject subclass: #MyChildObject
> 2. Create methods:
> MyParentObject>>myMethod
> ^ 1
> MyParentObject>>myMethodVariant
> ^ super myMethod
> MyChildObject>>myMethod
> ^ self myMethodVariant
> 3. Evaluate:
> MyChildObject new myMethod
> And one million question is:
> Why I've got exception "MyChildObject does not understand myMethod"?
> --
> Dmitry Zamotkin

I checked this code and was surprised by Dolphin's behaviour.
IMO ST/X does it better:
  - Compilation of
                ^ super myMethod
    yields a warning "myMethod is not implemented in superclass chain"
  - Evaluating of
        MyChildObject new myMethod
    yields an unhandled exception "Object does not understand: myMethod"

Dolphin compiles silently all the code and gives a "MyChildObject does not
understand: myMethod" during evaluation of "MyChildObject new myMethod".
This is somehow confusing. Maybe this happens due to optimizations by the
