Duplicate name error in IdeaSpace

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Duplicate name error in IdeaSpace

Hi Andy and Blair,

I regularly get a Duplicate Name error in the Idea Space when opening a
new CHB. (regularly as in about once a day when using DX6 full-time).

I typically have the Package Browser as the first tab in the IS and then
select classes from there to open in a CHB. I think it only happens
after I've closed a couple of CHB tabs in that IS, so it might loses
track of which names have been used when generating a new tab name?

Closing the error dialog and trying again 'solves' the problem.

See below for an error log - not that much use as it doesn't show
references to where the duplicate name is generated (well, I couldn't
find it). The error log is always the same (except for the class name to
browse of course).

This is the DX602 download


12:36:11, 01 February 2006: Unhandled exception - an Error('duplicate
name: ClassBrowserShell8')

ClassBrowserShell class(Shell class)>>create:in:on:
ClassBrowserShell class(Presenter class)>>create:in:
ClassBrowserShell class(Presenter class)>>createIn:
[] in IdeaSpaceShell>>newEmbeddedCardOfClass:
[] in View>>noRedrawDo:
ClassBrowserShell class(SmalltalkToolShell class)>>show:inIdeaSpace:
ClassBrowserShell class(SmalltalkToolShell class)>>show

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Re: Duplicate name error in IdeaSpace

Ted wrote:

> Hi Andy and Blair,
> I regularly get a Duplicate Name error in the Idea Space when opening a
> new CHB. (regularly as in about once a day when using DX6 full-time).
> I typically have the Package Browser as the first tab in the IS and then
> select classes from there to open in a CHB. I think it only happens
> after I've closed a couple of CHB tabs in that IS, so it might loses
> track of which names have been used when generating a new tab name?

Am I the only one where this happens or do other people see this problem
as well? I'm asking as it seems to be happening more frequently now.

Andy, Blair, would you like to have more info, if so, what would you
like? Should I worry about it? Should I move all my packages to a clean
image and see if it start occurring again?


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Re: Duplicate name error in IdeaSpace

Ted wrote:

> Ted wrote:
>> Hi Andy and Blair,
>> I regularly get a Duplicate Name error in the Idea Space when opening
>> a new CHB. (regularly as in about once a day when using DX6 full-time).
>> I typically have the Package Browser as the first tab in the IS and
>> then select classes from there to open in a CHB. I think it only
>> happens after I've closed a couple of CHB tabs in that IS, so it might
>> loses track of which names have been used when generating a new tab name?
> Am I the only one where this happens or do other people see this problem
> as well? I'm asking as it seems to be happening more frequently now.
> Andy, Blair, would you like to have more info, if so, what would you
> like? Should I worry about it? Should I move all my packages to a clean
> image and see if it start occurring again?
> Ted

I think it is related to the IS not removing closed CHB's properly,
because it tries to name it for example ClassBrowserShell7 even though
there are only 4 CHB's open.

I'll keep you informed (but I guess you already gathered that)


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Re: Duplicate name error in IdeaSpace

Ted wrote:

> Ted wrote:
>> Ted wrote:
>>> Hi Andy and Blair,
>>> I regularly get a Duplicate Name error in the Idea Space when opening
>>> a new CHB. (regularly as in about once a day when using DX6 full-time).
>>> I typically have the Package Browser as the first tab in the IS and
>>> then select classes from there to open in a CHB. I think it only
>>> happens after I've closed a couple of CHB tabs in that IS, so it
>>> might loses track of which names have been used when generating a new
>>> tab name?
>> Am I the only one where this happens or do other people see this
>> problem as well? I'm asking as it seems to be happening more
>> frequently now.
>> Andy, Blair, would you like to have more info, if so, what would you
>> like? Should I worry about it? Should I move all my packages to a
>> clean image and see if it start occurring again?
>> Ted
> I think it is related to the IS not removing closed CHB's properly,
> because it tries to name it for example ClassBrowserShell7 even though
> there are only 4 CHB's open.
> I'll keep you informed (but I guess you already gathered that)
> Ted

Actually, it's a lot simpler ...

Open a new idea space.
Open a CHB
Open another CHB
Close the first CHB
Open another CHB - TADA

The problem is that the second CHB gets the name ClassBrowserShell2 (as
there is one open, the number is incremented by 1). Then closing the
first means that the number of open CHB's is one, so the next allocated
name is ClassHierarchyBrowser(1+1), however, that already exists.

The offending method is:


Could probably be done prettier, but this works:

defaultNameOf: aView
        "Private - Answer a default name for aView within the receiver. The
name is
        of the form: classnn, where 'class' is the class of aView and 'nn' is
an integer
        based on the count of existing instances of that class as sub-presenters of
        the receiver"

        | count name |
        count := (self subPresenters select: [:each | each class == aView
class]) size.
        name := aView class name displayString , (count := count + 1)
        names ifNil: [^name]. "no names yet"
        [names values includes: name]
                whileTrue: [name := aView class name displayString , (count := count +
1) displayString].
