Dyla CFP

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Dyla CFP

Anne Etien
[Apologies for multiple copies]

> [CFP] Dyla'14, Workshop on Dynamic Languages and Applications, at
> PLDI, Edinburgh
> - What: 8th Workshop on Dynamic Languages and Applications.
> - Where: Co-located with PLDI'14, Edinburgh, UK
> - When: June 12th,
> Sponsored by ACM SIGPLAN
> Submission deadline: March 15th
> More info on the website: http://www.lifl.fr/dyla14/
> Dyla is a place where developers and researchers can discuss new
> advances in the design, implementation and application of
> dynamically-typed languages.
> The expected audience of this workshop includes practitioners and
> researchers sharing the same interest in dynamically-typed languages.
> Lua, Python, Ruby, JavaScript and others are gaining a significant
> popularity both in industry and academia. Nevertheless, each community
> has the tendency to only look at what it produces. Broadening the
> scope of each community is the goal of the workshop. To achieve this
> goal Dyla's program and organization committees are composed of
> leading persons from many such languages.
> Topics
> --
> - live programming
> - programming language extensions
> - programming environment extensions
> - domain-specific languages & tooling
> - executing environments
> - static & dynamic analyses
> - meta-object protocols
> - optional type-checking
> - reverse engineering
> - testing environments
> Organizing committee:
> --
> - Damien Cassou, University of Lille 1, FR
> - Carl Friedrich Bolz, King's College London, GB
> - Johan Andersson, Burtcorp in Gothenburg, SE
> - Roberto Ierusalimschy, Catholic Univ. in Rio de Janeiro, BR
> - Tom Van Cutsem, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, BE
> Program committee:
> --
> - Anne Etien, University Lille 1, France
> - David Schneider, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, DE
> - Didier Verna, EPITA/LRDE, France
> - Edd Barrett, Department of Informatics, King's College London, GB
> - Joe Gibbs Politz, Brown University, USA
> - Peng Wu, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA
> - Tim Felgentreff, Hasso-Plattner-Institut, DE
> - T. Stephen Strickland, University of Maryland, US
> - Yoshiki Ohshima, Viewpoints Research Institute, USA
> - Zachary P. Beane, Portland, USA
> - the 5 workshop organizers
> Abstract:
> --
> Java and C# have been a major influence in the adoption of
> object-oriented language characteristics: academic features like
> interfaces, garbage collection, and meta-programming became
> technologies generally accepted by the industry. However, with the
> adoption of these languages, their limitations became apparent, as
> testified by industry reactions: invokedynamic has been
> included in the latest Java virtual machine release; the dynamic
> language runtime (DLR) is gaining popularity; C# adopted
> dynamic as a valid static type.
> Researchers and practitioners struggle with static type systems,
> overly complex abstract grammars, simplistic concurrency mechanisms,
> limited reflection capabilities, and the absence of higher-order
> language constructs such as delegation, closures, and continuations.
> Dynamic languages such as Ruby, Python, JavaScript and Lua are a step
> forward in addressing these problems and are getting more and more
> popular. To make these languages mainstream, practitioners have to
> look back and pick mechanisms up in existing dynamic languages such as
> Lisp, Scheme, Smalltalk and Self.
> The goal of this workshop is to act as a forum where practitioners can
> discuss new advances in the design, implementation and application of
> dynamically-typed languages that, sometimes radically, diverge from
> the statically typed class-based mainstream. Another objective is to
> discuss new as well as older "forgotten" languages and features in
> this context.
> Format and Submission Information
> --
> The workshop will have a demo-oriented style. The idea is to allow
> participants to demonstrate new and interesting features and discuss
> what they feel is relevant for the dynamic-language community. To
> participate in the workshop, you can either
> - submit (before March 15th 2014) an article (ACM Tighter Alternate
>  style) describing your presentation and/or tool. Your article, which
>  must include from 2 to 15 pages, will be carefully reviewed by the
>  program committee. If accepted, your article will be presented
>  during the workshop and be published to the ACM Digital Library (at
>  your option) and the workshop's web site. Please submit to
>  http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=dyla14.
> - or give a 10-minute lightning demo of your work. A dedicated session
>  will be allocated for this, provided there is ample time available.
>  In this case, send us the title of your demo.
> A session on pair programming is also planned. People will then get a
> chance to share their technologies by interacting with other
> participants.

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