Hello all,
Browser environments and associated scoped browsers have given me a reasonable tool to review some code I hope to release soon. It contains some cruft that I am moving to reconsider or shred at some time in the future, and a few things that would be useful if only they worked.
A good example of the latter is my misadventures with dynamic linking. Trying to get libdl.so to load has been an exercise in frustration. I understand some of the reasoning behind naming and searching for libraries as it is now done. While I ordinarily quickly and loudly criticize Squeak for silent failures (they seldom do anyone any favors; I prefer my bad news in real time), loading a library might not be the best time to raise an error as it might hobble startup. However, there should be a way to tell why something didn't load on startup, or at least to trace why it won't load "now." So far, I don't see that. I have gotten just far enough away from my most recent hassles with this to forget where I built the hacked vm. It might be sitting on my laptop. I'm going to shelve it for now, but the hack I have in place is pretty sad, and there is a LOT of room to grow for the VM to tell the user what it is doing when (failing at) loading modules.
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