#1 and #2 reported before.
#3 Code Mentor panes needs to be resized in order to make the contents
expand to fit its parent pane. Similar problem to the Accelerators key
problem reported before.
#4 When new view is created for "Presenter", a MessageNotUnderstood
exception occurs saying that "Presenter class dnu's
#resource_Default_view (I still can't believe this literal filer idea is
in the mainstream :-)
#5 Selected "ImagePresenter" class in a CB inside an IdeaSpace. Then
clicked on the "Package manager" icon on the toolbar. The package
manager displayed OK inside of the IS, but the package tree is blank, i
have to scroll it to make items appear.
#6 (probably not a bug), if I search references to a method selector
(#objectIsLiteral: in my example) in a CB inside an IS, it opens the
references window outside of the idea space (same for definitions).
More later.