ESUG'19 registration is open

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ESUG'19 registration is open

Luc Fabresse
Dear Smalltalkers,

I am glad to announce that the ESUG'19 registration is open.
You will find all infos about this year conference here:

Note that:

- we increased some prices a little compared to the same prices we had for more than 10 years:

Early Registration Fee: 500€ (all days) / 180€ (per day)
The early registration deadline is: July 25th 2019

Late Registration Fee: 660€ (all days) / 210€ (per day)

- you can now directly add an extra person to social dinner while registering (+60€)

- we introduced specific fees for payment methods:
Payment by credit card (paypal): +6% fees 
Payment by bank transfer: free of charge


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