ESUG 2011 registration is live !

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ESUG 2011 registration is live !

The title says it all.

£315 buys you the all-included early-bird registration:  all 5
conference days, 2 Camp Smalltalk days and the full social event.

The link at the top of website main page
takes you to the registration app link (and the registration FAQ if
needed - if anything is not made clear in app or FAQ, by all means let
me know).

The registration list and the conference accommodation room lists are
separate, because those who live in Edinburgh, and a few others, will
register but not need a room, while others will want to stay on for the
festival.  (However it makes sense for you to use the same email and
password when you sign into both lists:  the same email speeds our
checking that everyone registered has somewhere to stay, and the same
password is one less thing for you to remember.)

Room reservations are confirmed if you

 - are registered, or reserve then register

 - enter specific arrival and departure dates in the room list (or, for
those who are leaving later than the conference, if you specified a
definite date in the text box).

If you do not give specific dates for arrival and departure, your room
reservation remains provisional after you register until you update your
room-list entry.  (If you don't do that reasonably soon after
registering, expect a nagging email. :-) )

FYI, the website accommodation page (and some others) have been
rewritten to have more pictures and info.

            See you in Edinburgh
                  Niall Ross

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Re: ESUG 2011 registration is live !

Juraj Kubelka-5
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