Bonjour à tous,
je vous rappelle que la conférence ESUG 2013 aura lieu en France cette année. Cela se passe à Annecy du 9 au 13 septembre : La conférence OSDC 2013 aura lieu le 4 et 5 octobre 2013 à Paris. Qui serait intéressé pour faire une présentation Smalltalk à cette occasion ? Cordialement, -- Serge Stinckwich UCBN & UMI UMMISCO 209 (IRD/UPMC) Every DSL ends up being Smalltalk -- Vous recevez ce message, car vous êtes abonné au groupe Google Groupes Smalltalk-fr. Pour vous désabonner de ce groupe et ne plus recevoir d'e-mails le concernant, envoyez un e-mail à l'adresse [hidden email]. Pour plus d'options, visitez le site . |
2013/7/9 Serge Stinckwich <[hidden email]> Qui serait intéressé pour faire une présentation Smalltalk à cette occasion ? Call for Papers 5th Open Source Developers Conference in France Montrouge Beffroi cultural centre, Paris, October 4 & 5, 2013 objective is to gather French speaking developers from different communities around innovative technologies. After two editions on our own, we are since 2011 associated to Open World Forum and its numerous partners in order to provide the best experience to our attenddees. For the 5th edition of this conference, we invite you to gather the communities dedicated to programming based on free/libre languages such as Perl, Python, Ruby, PHP, Smalltalk & much more. The aim is to learn by exploring the universe of all languages, for many concepts and techniques aren't tied to a specific environment, and therefore allow cross-pollinations. So we invite you to join us by taking part in, either by submitting a talk proposal (preferably in French, but English is acceptable), or simply by joining us on October 4 & 5, 2013, at at Montrouge Beffroi cultural centre. Entrance is free and everyone is welcome. Talks can last 25 or 45 minutes. We'll also have a lightning talks session, where talks are limited to 5 minutes max. Here is a non-exhaustive list of possible subjects: Themes related to programming languages such as Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, Erlang, JavaScript, node.js, Lua, Scala, Clojure, Groovy, Haskell, C, C++, Smalltalk, Java, etc. Dynamic compilation Interpreters and virtual machines (LLVM, JVM, CLR, Parrot, etc) Development tools Development best practices Programming experience feedback Libraries Making of innovative languages and their implementation Software maintenance Integration of different languages Teaching techniques Modern techniques of system administration, industrialization, distributed infrastructure (cloud) Big Data, OpenData Key dates: Deadline for submitting a talk : September 6th, 2013 Final schedule : September, 2013 conference : October 4 & 5, 2013 Vous recevez ce message, car vous êtes abonné au groupe Google Groupes Smalltalk-fr. Pour vous désabonner de ce groupe et ne plus recevoir d'e-mails le concernant, envoyez un e-mail à l'adresse [hidden email]. Pour plus d'options, visitez le site . |
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