ESUG Awards - Dead-line approaching

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ESUG Awards - Dead-line approaching

Noury Bouraqadi
Dear Smalltalkers,

Only 3 weeks left before the dead-line for submitting your software to
the ESUG awards.

2006/5/11, Noury Bouraqadi <[hidden email]>:

> Dear Smalltalkers,
> The European Smalltalk Users Group (ESUG) is proud to announce its 3rd
> Innovation Technology Awards. The top 3 teams with the most innovative
> software will receive, respectively, 500 Euros, 300 Euros and 200 Euros
> during an awards ceremony at the 14th International Conference 2006.
> Please note that any Smalltalk-based software is welcome to compete
> (stand-alone or web applications, tools for developers, educational
> tools, games, ...).
> So, submit your software now !
> More on the web :
> 14thinternationalsmalltalkconference2006/innovationawards/
> Noury
Dr. Noury Bouraqadi - Enseignant/Chercheur
ARMINES - Ecole des Mines de Douai - Dept. G.I.P

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