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Patricio Acevedo
1 post

Tal vez sea de interés para algún tesista



Dear Smalltalkers,

Serge and me just submitted the application for the GSoC (see its copy here), now let we wait finger crossed to the Monday 8.April when accepted organizations will be announced.

But we have a good chance thanks to all of you spend a time to prepare the record number of ideas: 44, which is way over last year 25!

Note also that you can still propose an project idea, there is two more weeks or so for that, but we need a solid list of ideas at that time for Google guys to see what we are really capable :)

While idea authors please recheck that your idea is properly put on http://gsoc2013.esug.org/ideas. For any mistake I apologize in advance!

Thanks therefore again to all, now a week and so a rest!

Best regards Serge and Janko your GSoC admin team

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Re: ESUG GSOC 2013

Alexandre Bergel-5
371 posts
Hola Patricio!

Sipo! Tenemos 5 proyectos mandados ya :-D

Gracias para avisar,

On Mar 29, 2013, at 7:20 PM, Patricio Acevedo <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Tal vez sea de interés para algún tesista
> SAludos
> Pato
> Dear Smalltalkers,
> Serge and me just submitted the application for the GSoC (see its copy here), now let we wait finger crossed to the Monday 8.April when accepted organizations will be announced.
> But we have a good chance thanks to all of you spend a time to prepare the record number of ideas: 44, which is way over last year 25!
> Note also that you can still propose an project idea, there is two more weeks or so for that, but we need a solid list of ideas at that time for Google guys to see what we are really capable :)
> While idea authors please recheck that your idea is properly put on http://gsoc2013.esug.org/ideas. For any mistake I apologize in advance!
> Thanks therefore again to all, now a week and so a rest!
> Best regards Serge and Janko your GSoC admin team
> --
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Alexandre Bergel  http://www.bergel.eu

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