ESUG Mailinglist move complete

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ESUG Mailinglist move complete

Marcus Denker-4

So the move of the mailiglist setup is complete.

I added all subscribers back, while keeping No-Mail and the setup for Digest (Mime/text).

Everything else I did not migrate. That means, you get a new password (you can request it
when needed) and things like "no dupes" "confirmation" and so on need to be set if you
need them.

Email adress stays the same:   ESUG Mailing list <[hidden email]>
(old posts will be added back soon)
List info page:

        for the ESUG Board,


Marcus Denker  --
INRIA Lille -- Nord Europe. Team RMoD.

Esug-list mailing list
[hidden email]
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Re: ESUG Mailinglist move complete

Damien Cassou
Thank you very much Marcus

On Wed, Jun 9, 2010 at 10:17 AM, Marcus Denker <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi,
> So the move of the mailiglist setup is complete.
> I added all subscribers back, while keeping No-Mail and the setup for Digest (Mime/text).
> Everything else I did not migrate. That means, you get a new password (you can request it
> when needed) and things like "no dupes" "confirmation" and so on need to be set if you
> need them.
> Email adress stays the same:   ESUG Mailing list <[hidden email]>
> Archive:
> (old posts will be added back soon)
> List info page:
>        for the ESUG Board,
>                                        Marcus
> --
> Marcus Denker  --
> INRIA Lille -- Nord Europe. Team RMoD.
> _______________________________________________
> Esug-list mailing list
> [hidden email]

Damien Cassou

"Lambdas are relegated to relative obscurity until Java makes them
popular by not having them." James Iry

Esug-list mailing list
[hidden email]