ESUG gentle actions reminder

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ESUG gentle actions reminder

stephane ducasse-2
Dear Smalltalkers of all dialects!

In a time where we are bombarded with information and may be misinformed :),
some of you may not notice that ESUG is doing a great job pushing Smalltalk, we thought that it is good
 to get a gentle reminder on the main actions ESUG performed in the past.
Yes we have been busy promoting the language we all love. :)

The board.

        Sponsoring of Smalltalks Conference 2009
                15 teachers got the travel/hosting payed to attend the conference
                Allessandro Warth invited talk sponsored

        Seaside Hosting since 2005

        Squeak VM support
                Squeak VM on iPhone - John McIntosh Mike Rueger
                Clean of the Squeak mac VM - John McIntosh

                Morphic 30 project - Juan Vuletich
                iPhone Dev - Esteban Lorenzano
                DrGeoII Scripting Syntax extension - Hilaire Fernandes
                Glamour - Tudor Girba

                SqueakOpenDBX 2009
                SqueakOpenDBX 2008
                Safara 2008
                New Compiler for Squeak 2006
                RDF Framework for Smalltalk 2006
                Process based BugTracking System 2006
                ICal support in Smalltalk 2006
                SqueakBot 2006

                Free Smalltalk DVD

        Book sponsoring
                Dynamic Web Development in Seaside by Ducasse etal. (2009)
                Squeak by Example by Black et al. (2008)
                A Mentoring Course on Smalltalk by Valloud et al. (2008)
                Fundamentals of Smalltalk Programming Technique by Valloud et al. (2008)
                Computer Programming using GNU Smalltalk. by C. Gökel (2009)
                Free sent books in 2002
                        •Universities that received the books:
                                –Germany: Darmstadt, Munich, Berlin
                                –Argentina: La Plata, Buenos Aires (3), Cordoba
                                –Belgium: Brussels
                                –France: Caen, Montpellier-II, Paris 8, Brest
                                –Spain: Vigo, Castellon
                                –Switzerland: St. Gallen
                                –Algeria: Chlef, Blida
                                –Argentina: Buenos Aires,
                                –Brasil: San Pablo
                                –Russia: Tver
                                –India: Hyderabad, Uttar Pradesh
                                –Chile: Santiago
                                –Italy: Cagliari, Benevento
                                –Czech Republic: Brno, Praha
                                –Servia: Novi Sad
                                –France: Douai
                                –United Kingdom: Portsmouth, Plymouth
                                –Belgium: Bruxelles
                                –Germany: Elmshorn
                                –China: Wuhan Hubei
                                –United States: Santa Barbara
                        •Universities that received the books + course
                                –Roumania: Timisoara, Cluj Napoca, Targovista

                Sponsoring of the Russian Smalltalk Server (2010)
                Bootstrap Funds for Squeak Germany e.V. 2000 Euros.
                Booth at Conferences
                Chaos Computer Club talks at 21C3 and 23C3 (ESUG payed parts, besides SSUG und Squeak e.V)
                Scanning some of old books       
                Digitizing VHS Video of Alan Kay's OOPSLA 1997 Keynote and make it available on Google Video
                Teaching at Barcelona (Spain)
                Teaching at Turino (Italy)
                Teaching at Bledj (Romania)
                Pharo Sprints
                Sponsoring of OSDC 2009

        Managing money for the Squeak foundation since 2004
                This action stopped since ESUG is not a bank

        Sponsoring scientific articles
                6 international conference papers in 2009
                8 international conference papers in 2008

        Smalltalk article in the Press
                6 in 2006
                3 in 2007
                5 in 2008

        ESUG Free entrance tickets
                Some in the previous years
                New this year 10 slots

        Student volunteer program
                21 students got free access and hosting in 2003
                15 students got free access and hosting in 2004
                A complete classroom of students of north acamedia got free access in 2004
                12 students got free access and hosting in 2005
                15 students got free access and hosting in 2006
                14 students got free access and hosting in 2007
                17 students got free access and hosting in 2008
                18 students got free access and hosting in 2009

Yes participating to the conference helps us to finance all these actions....

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Re: ESUG gentle actions reminder

stephane ducasse-2
Of course we simply forgot to warmly thanks all our sponsors over all these years.
Because their support is also part of ESUG success.
Without sponsors our actions would be much more limited.
I refrained myself to come up with a list because if I forget one it will be worse :)

to see some of our recents sponsors:


PS: We do errors everyday but try to learn fast

On Mar 9, 2010, at 10:52 PM, stephane ducasse wrote:

> Dear Smalltalkers of all dialects!
> In a time where we are bombarded with information and may be misinformed :),
> some of you may not notice that ESUG is doing a great job pushing Smalltalk, we thought that it is good
> to get a gentle reminder on the main actions ESUG performed in the past.
> Yes we have been busy promoting the language we all love. :)
> The board.
> Sponsoring of Smalltalks Conference 2009
> ===================
> 15 teachers got the travel/hosting payed to attend the conference
> Allessandro Warth invited talk sponsored
> Seaside Hosting since 2005
> ==========
> Squeak VM support
> ============
> Squeak VM on iPhone - John McIntosh Mike Rueger
> Clean of the Squeak mac VM - John McIntosh
> Projects
> =====
> Morphic 30 project - Juan Vuletich
> iPhone Dev - Esteban Lorenzano
> DrGeoII Scripting Syntax extension - Hilaire Fernandes
> Glamour - Tudor Girba
> SummerTalk
> ========
> SqueakOpenDBX 2009
> SqueakOpenDBX 2008
> Safara 2008
> New Compiler for Squeak 2006
> RDF Framework for Smalltalk 2006
> Process based BugTracking System 2006
> ICal support in Smalltalk 2006
> SqueakBot 2006
> ===
> Free Smalltalk DVD
> Book sponsoring
> ==========
> Dynamic Web Development in Seaside by Ducasse etal. (2009)
> Squeak by Example by Black et al. (2008)
> A Mentoring Course on Smalltalk by Valloud et al. (2008)
> Fundamentals of Smalltalk Programming Technique by Valloud et al. (2008)
> Computer Programming using GNU Smalltalk. by C. Gökel (2009)
> Free sent books in 2002
> •Universities that received the books:
> –Germany: Darmstadt, Munich, Berlin
> –Argentina: La Plata, Buenos Aires (3), Cordoba
> –Belgium: Brussels
> –France: Caen, Montpellier-II, Paris 8, Brest
> –Spain: Vigo, Castellon
> –Switzerland: St. Gallen
> –Algeria: Chlef, Blida
> –Argentina: Buenos Aires,
> –Brasil: San Pablo
> –Russia: Tver
> –India: Hyderabad, Uttar Pradesh
> –Chile: Santiago
> –Italy: Cagliari, Benevento
> –Czech Republic: Brno, Praha
> –Servia: Novi Sad
> –France: Douai
> –United Kingdom: Portsmouth, Plymouth
> –Belgium: Bruxelles
> –Germany: Elmshorn
> –China: Wuhan Hubei
> –United States: Santa Barbara
> •Universities that received the books + course
> –Roumania: Timisoara, Cluj Napoca, Targovista
> Varia
> ====
> Sponsoring of the Russian Smalltalk Server (2010)
> Bootstrap Funds for Squeak Germany e.V. 2000 Euros.
> Booth at Conferences
> Chaos Computer Club talks at 21C3 and 23C3 (ESUG payed parts, besides SSUG und Squeak e.V)
> Scanning some of old books       
> Digitizing VHS Video of Alan Kay's OOPSLA 1997 Keynote and make it available on Google Video
> Teaching at Barcelona (Spain)
> Teaching at Turino (Italy)
> Teaching at Bledj (Romania)
> Pharo Sprints
> Sponsoring of OSDC 2009
> Managing money for the Squeak foundation since 2004
> ==================================
> This action stopped since ESUG is not a bank
> Sponsoring scientific articles
> ==================
> 6 international conference papers in 2009
> 8 international conference papers in 2008
> Smalltalk article in the Press
> ==================
> 6 in 2006
> 3 in 2007
> 5 in 2008
> ESUG Free entrance tickets
> ================
> Some in the previous years
> New this year 10 slots
> Student volunteer program
> =================
> 21 students got free access and hosting in 2003
> 15 students got free access and hosting in 2004
> A complete classroom of students of north acamedia got free access in 2004
> 12 students got free access and hosting in 2005
> 15 students got free access and hosting in 2006
> 14 students got free access and hosting in 2007
> 17 students got free access and hosting in 2008
> 18 students got free access and hosting in 2009
> Yes participating to the conference helps us to finance all these actions....
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> vwnc mailing list
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