Après les articles de revues type Linux Mag (toujours d'actualité),
ESUG se lance dans le sponsoring d'articles de recherche en relation
avec Smalltalk.
A vos plumes !
Begin forwarded message:
> From: Michele Lanza <
[hidden email]>
> Date: 21 janvier 2008 12:39:37 HNEC
> To: ESUG Members <
[hidden email]>
> Subject: [Esug-list] New ESUG promotion action
> Dear members,
> as of today ESUG has started a new promotion action targeting the
> academic part of the Smalltalk community. The following is an
> excerpt from the information page located at:
> In short:
> ESUG offers 150 Euros for each international conference paper whose
> concepts involves an implementation in Smalltalk
> Rules
> - After notification of acceptance, one of the authors sends to the
> ESUG board the article, a CV, and a brief explanation of how
> Smalltalk was used
> - In case the ESUG board decides to support the promotion, the
> author has to send to ESUG after the camera-ready deadline a PDF of
> the article, where ESUG is referenced in the acknowledgment section,
> including a link to esug.org
> - During the presentation at the conference, the author must mention
> ESUG support
> - After the presentation at the conference the author sends to ESUG
> a PDF version of the slides, where there is a visible reference to
> ESUG (e.g. the ESUG Logo). ESUG will put the slides on the ESUG
> website
> - The author can then trigger the payment by sending an e-Mail to
> the ESUG board
> - A maximum of 3 supported articles per year per institution is
> allowed
> Happy research to everybody,
> Michele (in representation of the whole ESUG board)
> _______________________________________________
> Esug-list mailing list
[hidden email]
Noury Bouraqadi
Dr. Noury Bouraqadi - Enseignant/Chercheur
Responsable de l'enseignement de l'informatique
ARMINES - Ecole des Mines de Douai - Dept. I.A.
http://vst.ensm-douai.fr/nouryEuropean Smalltalk Users Group Board
Squeak-fr mailing list
[hidden email]