Editable list control

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Editable list control

Dmitry Zamotkin-2
I need editable ListPresenter. Does anybody khow the easiest way to create

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Re: Editable list control

Bill Schwab-2

> I need editable ListPresenter. Does anybody khow the easiest way to create
> one?

I assume you mean a list presenter that allows the items to be edited.  You
can get the #selection (as a starting point for prompting the user) and
#selectionByIndex from the list, and then send #at:put: to the model, and
you might have to follow that with #updateAtIndex: to update the GUI.  Does
that help?

Have a good one,


Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]

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Re: Editable list control

Dmitry Zamotkin-2
> Dmitry,
> > I need editable ListPresenter. Does anybody khow the easiest way to
> > one?
> I assume you mean a list presenter that allows the items to be edited.
> can get the #selection (as a starting point for prompting the user) and
> #selectionByIndex from the list, and then send #at:put: to the model, and
> you might have to follow that with #updateAtIndex: to update the GUI.

Yes, I mean a list presenter that allows the items to be edited. In-place
and multi-columns. I don't want additional dialogs to edit list items.

I can change ListPresenter the way like this:
ListPresenter>>onLabelOf: anObject editedTo: text
( anObject isKindOf: String ) ifTrue: [ anObject oneWayBecome: text ].
 ^self view onLabelOf: anObject editedTo: text

But it not right way, I'm sure. I need something like Grid(?)Presenter.


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Re: Editable list control

Bill Schwab

> Yes, I mean a list presenter that allows the items to be edited. In-place
> and multi-columns. I don't want additional dialogs to edit list items.
> I can change ListPresenter the way like this:
> ListPresenter>>onLabelOf: anObject editedTo: text
> ( anObject isKindOf: String ) ifTrue: [ anObject oneWayBecome: text ].
>  ^self view onLabelOf: anObject editedTo: text
> But it not right way, I'm sure. I need something like Grid(?)Presenter.

You probably will need to go to an ActiveX control of some type; the
AXControlBrowser will allow you to easily experiment within Dolphin.

Have a good one,


Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]