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Bob Williams
This may sound stupid, but I want to answer a specific email and all I have is the Pharo-user Digest. When I started following Pharo I had a link to a Web page that showed the emails by subject and author; however, I seem to have lost that link. All I have now is the digest and the archives. Can anyone help me?
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Re: Emails

Bernat Romagosa

Check out, all smalltalk lists are accessible there in a forum-like fashion.

On Jun 9, 2014 3:25 PM, "Bob Williams" <[hidden email]> wrote:
This may sound stupid, but I want to answer a specific email and all I have is the Pharo-user Digest. When I started following Pharo I had a link to a Web page that showed the emails by subject and author; however, I seem to have lost that link. All I have now is the digest and the archives. Can anyone help me?
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Re: Emails

Bob Williams

Thanks, that's the one. It is now Bookmarked.
