Embedded Presenter, which class to subClass from?

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Embedded Presenter, which class to subClass from?

Günther Schmidt

In previous postings I mentioned that I intend to use a permanently
displayed presenter for (changing) models somewhere within my main
application window.

The presenter would have to provide much of the (model) functionality as
for instance the DialogPresenter does, ie. #model:, #ok, #apply  save
for the view parts, ie. #onViewOpened ... as the presenter does not have
it's own window.

Is there alreay a class in the image suitable for this "embedded"


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Re: Embedded Presenter, which class to subClass from?

Esteban A. Maringolo-2
Günther Schmidt escribió:

> Hi,
> In previous postings I mentioned that I intend to use a permanently
> displayed presenter for (changing) models somewhere within my main
> application window.
> The presenter would have to provide much of the (model) functionality as
> for instance the DialogPresenter does, ie. #model:, #ok, #apply  save
> for the view parts, ie. #onViewOpened ... as the presenter does not have
> it's own window.

Well... you dont have a "buffered" presenter as DialogPresenter works.
By a suggestion of DiegoC, i've built my own BufferedPresenter,
which subclasses Presenter, and uses the same (plus a few things)
buffering technique, and can be embedded without problem.

> Is there alreay a class in the image suitable for this "embedded"
> presenting?


I recomend you to read Presenter and it's subclasses class comments.

Best regards.

Esteban A. Maringolo
[hidden email]

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Re: Embedded Presenter, which class to subClass from?

Schwab,Wilhelm K
In reply to this post by Günther Schmidt

> Is there alreay a class in the image suitable for this "embedded"
> presenting?

Take a look at my Pane Holders package (and PaneHolder in particular);
it might do what you want.

Have a good one,


Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]