Embedding Vw7.8 VM into a C process

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Embedding Vw7.8 VM into a C process

Aubin Mahé
Hi All,

I'm a new to Smalltalk.
I have to integrate into an existing distributed, multi language and
multi platforms application a well designed Smalltalk HMI.
I try to embed Cincom VisualWorks Virtual Machine into a C process to
avoid CORBA or Sockets.
I have already do this kind of work with Java VM without difficulties.
I have seen under \Program Files\Cincom\vw7.8nc\bin\win\userprim a large
library named vwnt.lib (3.4 MB).
1) Can you explain know how to link it into a process written in C?
2) Can you explain how to send messages to Smalltalk objects from C?
3) Can you explain how to call C routines from Smalltalk?

There is a lot of questions... Thanks for reading!

Aubin Mahé (from France)

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