Engineer position at Lille (France) about Moose FAMIX

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Engineer position at Lille (France) about Moose FAMIX

Anne Etien

We have an engineer position at Lille (France) in the RMOD team to modernize FAME, FAMIX and software analysis tools.
The position is for two years starting in November or December. Conditions to apply are to have a master with 2 to 10 years of experience. 

Industrial applications of Moose have shown some limits: (1) problem to scale, (2) modularity and extensibility and (3) user syntax. To overtake these limits, it becomes essential to modernize Moose heart. This project has three major objectives: (i) reduce the memory print to enable a better scaling, (ii) modernize Moose heart to introduce more modularity and extensibility and (iii) simplify the use and extension of Moose.

This project aims to develop a new version of Moose (Moose 2.0) more modular, less memory consumer and easier to use. Advantages of Platypus (PL)( a research prototype developed in Pharo to analyse software systems as models will be combined to those of the current Moose (M) version and the new features of Pharo (P).

Moose 2.0 = flexible metamodel (M) supporting multiple inheritance and union of types (PL) + user syntaxto simplify model specifications (PL)
+ lot of analysis and visualization tools (M)
+ tool infrastructure (M)
+ model generator (PL)
+ compatibility with industrial and academic standard (PL) + low memory print (P)
+ access to method details (M) on demand (P)

French is not mandatory whereas English is ;o)
If you have questions, don’t hesitate to ask.


Anne Etien

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