Enhancement request

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Enhancement request

Bill Schwab-2

I'm finding multiple uses for a cached (for efficiency) source of display
resolution.  Font does the job of lazily obtaining the resolution and
clearing it on session start.  However, it's not publicly available.  I had
previously done something similar in my Pen Windows wrapper, and did pretty
much the same thing again for my replacement package.  Is this something
that should be available via a public class method in Canvas?

Have a good one,


Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]

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Re: Enhancement request

Blair McGlashan

You wrote in message news:9um5b2$9f5ml$[hidden email]...
> I'm finding multiple uses for a cached (for efficiency) source of display
> resolution.  Font does the job of lazily obtaining the resolution and
> clearing it on session start.  However, it's not publicly available.  I
> previously done something similar in my Pen Windows wrapper, and did
> much the same thing again for my replacement package.  Is this something
> that should be available via a public class method in Canvas?

Defect number 425, hopefully to be actioned for D5 though probably between
beta and actual release.

