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Error installing gsDevKit on Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS Desktop

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Error installing gsDevKit on Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS Desktop

Alejandro Zuzek
Hi all,

While installing gsDevKit on a freshly installed Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS Desktop, I am getting this error:

creating todeClient image
/home/azuzek/gsDevKitHome/pharo/pharo: line 11: /home/azuzek/gsDevKitHome/pharo/pharo-vm/pharo: No such file or directory

This is the procedure I am following:


Any ideas?


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Re: Error installing gsDevKit on Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS Desktop


Actually i do not know what happend to installation. But i know Dale is currently doing some changes in the structure of Dev Kit.

So maybe you were affected by these changes.

"> It is possible to download the tODE client only (dev brach) ?
> The GemStone server is doing ok so i only need to update tODE client :)

Actually, this is exactly what my new restructuring is aimed at ....
with the restructuring I plan to make it much easier to manage a variety
of client/tode options without bringing along the entire stone/tode
structure ...

If this is what you really want to do, then I would think you should
hold off a bit and when I finish the restructuring you can volunteer to
take it for a spin ... I said earlier that it would be a week or two,
but unless I get interrupted with something in the meantime, I really
expect to be done by the end of the week ..."
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Re: Error installing gsDevKit on Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS Desktop

GLASS mailing list
In reply to this post by Alejandro Zuzek

I'd like to see more of the output ... and more info:
   what branch of gsdevkit are you using?
   what command did you start with?

Bruno, is correct that I'm in the process of restructuring things, but
I'm doing the restructuring in a new project...so I'm not actively
changing GsDevKitHome ...

Without any more information I'd guess that a download of pharo failed a
bit earlier in the script (assuming you are using installServer --- even
then I would have expected the script to have failed when a download
fails), but I'm just guessing because I don't know what script you are
using to to produce the error ...


On 9/28/15 4:45 PM, Alejandro Zuzek via Glass wrote:

> Hi all,
> While installing gsDevKit on a freshly installed Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS Desktop,
> I am getting this error:
> creating todeClient image
> /home/azuzek/gsDevKitHome/pharo/pharo: line 11:
> /home/azuzek/gsDevKitHome/pharo/pharo-vm/pharo: No such file or directory
> This is the procedure I am following:
> https://github.com/GsDevKit/gsDevKitHome#development-kit-server-installation
> Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Alejandro
> --
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Re: Error installing gsDevKit on Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS Desktop

GLASS mailing list
Hi Dale,

I ran this script:

installServer devKit 3.2.1

I am not sure which branch of gsDevKit I am running, but these are the command I run to download the project:

git clone https://github.com/GsDevKit/gsDevKitHome.git
cd gsDevKitHome
git checkout -b  <your project branch name>

I don't have the full output available at the moment, but there were no errors reported before the Pharo error mentioned in my initial post. Would you need the full output? If so, should I at least remove everything related to Pharo before re-running it (VM, Sources and Image)?



On Tue, Sep 29, 2015 at 1:08 AM, Dale Henrichs via Glass <[hidden email]> wrote:

I'd like to see more of the output ... and more info:
  what branch of gsdevkit are you using?
  what command did you start with?

Bruno, is correct that I'm in the process of restructuring things, but I'm doing the restructuring in a new project...so I'm not actively changing GsDevKitHome ...

Without any more information I'd guess that a download of pharo failed a bit earlier in the script (assuming you are using installServer --- even then I would have expected the script to have failed when a download fails), but I'm just guessing because I don't know what script you are using to to produce the error ...


On 9/28/15 4:45 PM, Alejandro Zuzek via Glass wrote:
Hi all,

While installing gsDevKit on a freshly installed Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS Desktop,
I am getting this error:

creating todeClient image
/home/azuzek/gsDevKitHome/pharo/pharo: line 11:
/home/azuzek/gsDevKitHome/pharo/pharo-vm/pharo: No such file or directory

This is the procedure I am following:


Any ideas?



View this message in context: http://forum.world.st/Error-installing-gsDevKit-on-Ubuntu-14-04-3-LTS-Desktop-tp4852408.html
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Re: Error installing gsDevKit on Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS Desktop

GLASS mailing list

On Tue, Sep 29, 2015 at 9:28 AM, Alejandro Zuzek via Glass <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi Dale,

I ran this script:

installServer devKit 3.2.1

I am not sure which branch of gsDevKit I am running, but these are the command I run to download the project:

git clone https://github.com/GsDevKit/gsDevKitHome.git
cd gsDevKitHome
git checkout -b  <your project branch name>

I don't have the full output available at the moment, but there were no errors reported before the Pharo error mentioned in my initial post. Would you need the full output? If so, should I at least remove everything related to Pharo before re-running it (VM, Sources and Image)?

Two little comments (take them as from me, not from Dale). First, this script and probably many others (like the old gemstone installation script) are mostly "safe" in the sense of being able to be run multiple times. The scripts check in every step of the existing of certain files or settings in order to realize if such a step is needed or has already been run.  As for example of the Pharo download, if you check the script it does indeed checks if /pharo exists. So if there is a chance the file was download but broken, then yes, I would remove all it downloaded in order to make the script think you didn't do that part and re run the script.



On Tue, Sep 29, 2015 at 1:08 AM, Dale Henrichs via Glass <[hidden email]> wrote:

I'd like to see more of the output ... and more info:
  what branch of gsdevkit are you using?
  what command did you start with?

Bruno, is correct that I'm in the process of restructuring things, but I'm doing the restructuring in a new project...so I'm not actively changing GsDevKitHome ...

Without any more information I'd guess that a download of pharo failed a bit earlier in the script (assuming you are using installServer --- even then I would have expected the script to have failed when a download fails), but I'm just guessing because I don't know what script you are using to to produce the error ...


On 9/28/15 4:45 PM, Alejandro Zuzek via Glass wrote:
Hi all,

While installing gsDevKit on a freshly installed Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS Desktop,
I am getting this error:

creating todeClient image
/home/azuzek/gsDevKitHome/pharo/pharo: line 11:
/home/azuzek/gsDevKitHome/pharo/pharo-vm/pharo: No such file or directory

This is the procedure I am following:


Any ideas?



View this message in context: http://forum.world.st/Error-installing-gsDevKit-on-Ubuntu-14-04-3-LTS-Desktop-tp4852408.html
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Re: Error installing gsDevKit on Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS Desktop

GLASS mailing list

On 09/29/2015 05:35 AM, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:

On Tue, Sep 29, 2015 at 9:28 AM, Alejandro Zuzek via Glass <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi Dale,

I ran this script:

installServer devKit 3.2.1

I am not sure which branch of gsDevKit I am running, but these are the command I run to download the project:

git clone https://github.com/GsDevKit/gsDevKitHome.git
cd gsDevKitHome
git checkout -b  <your project branch name>

I don't have the full output available at the moment, but there were no errors reported before the Pharo error mentioned in my initial post. Would you need the full output? If so, should I at least remove everything related to Pharo before re-running it (VM, Sources and Image)?

Two little comments (take them as from me, not from Dale). First, this script and probably many others (like the old gemstone installation script) are mostly "safe" in the sense of being able to be run multiple times. The scripts check in every step of the existing of certain files or settings in order to realize if such a step is needed or has already been run.  As for example of the Pharo download, if you check the script it does indeed checks if /pharo exists. So if there is a chance the file was download but broken, then yes, I would remove all it downloaded in order to make the script think you didn't do that part and re run the script.

Mariano makes good points about being able to run the scripts without redoing work already done ...

Thanks for the additional details ... It looks like you are on the master branch and I am a bit mystified how you are getting this error. The `installServer` script first calls the installGemStone, then the createTodeImage[1] scripts. The createTodeImage script expects pharo to be installed during installGemStone. If the $GS_HOME/pharo/pharo-vm does not exist the installGemstone script calls installPharo[2].

The installPharo script then uses `wget` to get the pharo vm and the pharo images[3]:

  cd $GS_HOME/pharo
  wget -O- get.pharo.org/vmLatest | bash
  wget -O- get.pharo.org/30 | bash

All of the scripts use `set -e` and there are no `exit 0` calls without  $GS_HOME/pharo/pharo-vm existing???

If you could run the above bash commands, and send me the results, perhaps we'll understand the mystery ...

OTOH, at this point in time, you should probably start useing GsDevKitHome on the dev branch by following these instructions[4] and do the "FOR EARLY ADOPTERS STEPS" ... the installPharo is a bit different and more importantly, the things you do and learn on the dev branch of GsDevKitHome will be closer to what will be present in GsDevKit_home when it is ready...


[1] https://github.com/GsDevKit/gsDevKitHome/blob/master/bin/installServer#L37-L39
[2] https://github.com/GsDevKit/gsDevKitHome/blob/master/bin/installGemStone#L329-L334
[3] https://github.com/GsDevKit/gsDevKitHome/blob/master/bin/installPharo#L48-L50
[4] https://github.com/GsDevKit/gsDevKitHome/tree/dev#open-source-development-kit-for-gemstones-64-bit-

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Re: Error installing gsDevKit on Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS Desktop

GLASS mailing list
Hi Dale,

I ran those two scripts and while running the 'vmLatest' the output indicated that a dependency was not intstalled (lib32). I realized that I haven't verified that my OS has all the required libraries, so I installed the basic prerequisites for Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS. After that, I ran again both vmLatest and 30, as you specified and they ran successfully. I then re-run installServer 3.2.1 which run aparently without error this time, but it didn't start the tODE client at the end of the process as explained in https://github.com/GsDevKit/gsDevKitHome#development-kit-server-installation. I'll see if I can start the tODE client manually, but I've made good progress already (and I really should have checked weather my OS was ready for the install before starting).



On Tue, Sep 29, 2015 at 2:08 PM, Dale Henrichs <[hidden email]> wrote:

On 09/29/2015 05:35 AM, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:

On Tue, Sep 29, 2015 at 9:28 AM, Alejandro Zuzek via Glass <[hidden email][hidden email]> wrote:
Hi Dale,

I ran this script:

installServer devKit 3.2.1

I am not sure which branch of gsDevKit I am running, but these are the command I run to download the project:

git clone https://github.com/GsDevKit/gsDevKitHome.git
cd gsDevKitHome
git checkout -b  <your project branch name>

I don't have the full output available at the moment, but there were no errors reported before the Pharo error mentioned in my initial post. Would you need the full output? If so, should I at least remove everything related to Pharo before re-running it (VM, Sources and Image)?

Two little comments (take them as from me, not from Dale). First, this script and probably many others (like the old gemstone installation script) are mostly "safe" in the sense of being able to be run multiple times. The scripts check in every step of the existing of certain files or settings in order to realize if such a step is needed or has already been run.  As for example of the Pharo download, if you check the script it does indeed checks if /pharo exists. So if there is a chance the file was download but broken, then yes, I would remove all it downloaded in order to make the script think you didn't do that part and re run the script.

Mariano makes good points about being able to run the scripts without redoing work already done ...

Thanks for the additional details ... It looks like you are on the master branch and I am a bit mystified how you are getting this error. The `installServer` script first calls the installGemStone, then the createTodeImage[1] scripts. The createTodeImage script expects pharo to be installed during installGemStone. If the $GS_HOME/pharo/pharo-vm does not exist the installGemstone script calls installPharo[2].

The installPharo script then uses `wget` to get the pharo vm and the pharo images[3]:

  cd $GS_HOME/pharo
  wget -O- get.pharo.org/vmLatest | bash
  wget -O- get.pharo.org/30 | bash

All of the scripts use `set -e` and there are no `exit 0` calls without  $GS_HOME/pharo/pharo-vm existing???

If you could run the above bash commands, and send me the results, perhaps we'll understand the mystery ...

OTOH, at this point in time, you should probably start useing GsDevKitHome on the dev branch by following these instructions[4] and do the "FOR EARLY ADOPTERS STEPS" ... the installPharo is a bit different and more importantly, the things you do and learn on the dev branch of GsDevKitHome will be closer to what will be present in GsDevKit_home when it is ready...


[1] https://github.com/GsDevKit/gsDevKitHome/blob/master/bin/installServer#L37-L39
[2] https://github.com/GsDevKit/gsDevKitHome/blob/master/bin/installGemStone#L329-L334
[3] https://github.com/GsDevKit/gsDevKitHome/blob/master/bin/installPharo#L48-L50
[4] https://github.com/GsDevKit/gsDevKitHome/tree/dev#open-source-development-kit-for-gemstones-64-bit-

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Re: Error installing gsDevKit on Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS Desktop

GLASS mailing list

I'm glad you are making progress ... When you run todeClient the log file is located in the $GS_HOME/pharo/logs directory there might be information there to help ... perhaps you need to install an x11 client --- it might be worth looking at the docs on dev branch .. I have been beefing up the documentation with more information about prereqs and various client options (with lots of help from Lisa) ...


[1] https://github.com/GsDevKit/gsDevKitHome/tree/dev#development-kit-server-installation

On 9/30/15 7:38 PM, Alejandro Zuzek wrote:
Hi Dale,

I ran those two scripts and while running the 'vmLatest' the output indicated that a dependency was not intstalled (lib32). I realized that I haven't verified that my OS has all the required libraries, so I installed the basic prerequisites for Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS. After that, I ran again both vmLatest and 30, as you specified and they ran successfully. I then re-run installServer 3.2.1 which run aparently without error this time, but it didn't start the tODE client at the end of the process as explained in https://github.com/GsDevKit/gsDevKitHome#development-kit-server-installation. I'll see if I can start the tODE client manually, but I've made good progress already (and I really should have checked weather my OS was ready for the install before starting).



On Tue, Sep 29, 2015 at 2:08 PM, Dale Henrichs <[hidden email]> wrote:

On 09/29/2015 05:35 AM, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:

On Tue, Sep 29, 2015 at 9:28 AM, Alejandro Zuzek via Glass <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi Dale,

I ran this script:

installServer devKit 3.2.1

I am not sure which branch of gsDevKit I am running, but these are the command I run to download the project:

git clone https://github.com/GsDevKit/gsDevKitHome.git
cd gsDevKitHome
git checkout -b  <your project branch name>

I don't have the full output available at the moment, but there were no errors reported before the Pharo error mentioned in my initial post. Would you need the full output? If so, should I at least remove everything related to Pharo before re-running it (VM, Sources and Image)?

Two little comments (take them as from me, not from Dale). First, this script and probably many others (like the old gemstone installation script) are mostly "safe" in the sense of being able to be run multiple times. The scripts check in every step of the existing of certain files or settings in order to realize if such a step is needed or has already been run.  As for example of the Pharo download, if you check the script it does indeed checks if /pharo exists. So if there is a chance the file was download but broken, then yes, I would remove all it downloaded in order to make the script think you didn't do that part and re run the script.

Mariano makes good points about being able to run the scripts without redoing work already done ...

Thanks for the additional details ... It looks like you are on the master branch and I am a bit mystified how you are getting this error. The `installServer` script first calls the installGemStone, then the createTodeImage[1] scripts. The createTodeImage script expects pharo to be installed during installGemStone. If the $GS_HOME/pharo/pharo-vm does not exist the installGemstone script calls installPharo[2].

The installPharo script then uses `wget` to get the pharo vm and the pharo images[3]:

  cd $GS_HOME/pharo
  wget -O- get.pharo.org/vmLatest | bash
  wget -O- get.pharo.org/30 | bash

All of the scripts use `set -e` and there are no `exit 0` calls without  $GS_HOME/pharo/pharo-vm existing???

If you could run the above bash commands, and send me the results, perhaps we'll understand the mystery ...

OTOH, at this point in time, you should probably start useing GsDevKitHome on the dev branch by following these instructions[4] and do the "FOR EARLY ADOPTERS STEPS" ... the installPharo is a bit different and more importantly, the things you do and learn on the dev branch of GsDevKitHome will be closer to what will be present in GsDevKit_home when it is ready...


[1] https://github.com/GsDevKit/gsDevKitHome/blob/master/bin/installServer#L37-L39
[2] https://github.com/GsDevKit/gsDevKitHome/blob/master/bin/installGemStone#L329-L334
[3] https://github.com/GsDevKit/gsDevKitHome/blob/master/bin/installPharo#L48-L50
[4] https://github.com/GsDevKit/gsDevKitHome/tree/dev#open-source-development-kit-for-gemstones-64-bit-

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