I'am trying to run Dolphin "COM Random Stream.pac" sample and in win98 and could not register it, in winXP works fine. I compiled it on a new 5.1.4 image, in a new win98 second edition, and I obtained corandom.dll (495K). Using regsvr32 I get the error: DllRegisterServer in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\corandom.dll Return code was: 0x800401fe Any idea?, I tried updating automation libraries, DCOM98, installing Dolphin in the same machine but it seems to be something in the Dolphin's sample. I also read the related mails in this list and applied some ideas and patchs suggested, but could not solve it. Registering IPDolphinToGo.dll or IPDolphin.dll in the same machine worked, that's why I think it should be a bug in that pac. Thanks. The ERRORS file start with: ************************** Dolphin Virtual Machine Dump Report *************************** 6:46:15 AM, 04/01/2004: HRESULT Error: Incompatible version of the RPC stub. (FACILITY_WIN32) *----> VM Context <----* Process: {07870004:size 263 words, suspended frame 078703F1, priority 8, callbacks 0 last failure 2:nil, FPE mask 3, thread nil} Active Method: AXDllSessionManager>>logError: IP: 07832D5F (15) SP: 078704CC BP: 078704A4 (280) ActiveFrame: {078704A8: cf 0787048D, sp 078704BC, bp 078704A4, ip 5, AXDllSessionManager>>logError:} receiver: a AXDllSessionManager arg[0]: a HRESULTError New Method: VMLibrary>>dump:path:stackDepth:walkbackDepth: Message Selector: #dump:path:stackDepth:walkbackDepth: *----> Stack <----* [078704CC: 290]-->50 [078704C8: 289]-->60 [078704C4: 288]-->nil [078704C0: 287]-->'HRESULT Error: Incompatible version of the RPC stub. (FACILITY_WIN32)' [078704BC: 286]-->a VMLibrary [078704B8: 285]-->63144530 [078704B4: 284]-->AXDllSessionManager>>logError: [078704B0: 283]-->63144542 [078704AC: 282]-->8 [078704A8: 281]-->63144518 [078704A4: 280]-->a HRESULTError [078704A0: 279]-->a AXDllSessionManager [0787049C: 278]-->63144516 [07870498: 277]-->AXDllSessionManager>>unhandledException: [07870494: 276]-->63144526 [07870490: 275]-->7 [0787048C: 274]-->63144504 [07870488: 273]-->a HRESULTError [07870484: 272]-->a AXDllSessionManager [07870480: 271]-->63144502 [0787047C: 270]-->SessionManager>>onUnhandledError: [07870478: 269]-->63144512 [07870474: 268]-->3 [07870470: 267]-->63144490 [0787046C: 266]-->a HRESULTError [07870468: 265]-->a AXDllSessionManager [07870464: 264]-->63144490 [07870460: 263]-->Error>>defaultAction [0787045C: 262]-->63144498 [07870458: 261]-->8 .. <229 slots omitted> .. [078700C0: 31]-->a MethodContext for: BlockClosure>>ifCurtailed: frame: 78700b1 receiver: [] @ b20006 in nil [078700BC: 30]-->BlockClosure>>ifCurtailed: [078700B8: 29]-->63144036 [078700B4: 28]-->20 [078700B0: 27]-->63144014 [078700AC: 26]-->63144010 [078700A8: 25]-->BlockClosure>>ensure: [078700A4: 24]-->63144022 [078700A0: 23]-->7 [0787009C: 22]-->63143998 [07870098: 21]-->nil [07870094: 20]-->[] @ 34 in ExceptionHandlerAbstract>>try: [07870090: 19]-->[] @ 15 in ExceptionHandlerAbstract>>try: [0787008C: 18]-->a MethodContext for: ExceptionHandlerAbstract>>try: frame: 787007d receiver: a ExceptionHandler [07870088: 17]-->ExceptionHandlerAbstract>>try: [07870084: 16]-->63144006 [07870080: 15]-->42 [0787007C: 14]-->63143988 [07870078: 13]-->63143984 [07870074: 12]-->BlockClosure>>on:do: [07870070: 11]-->63143996 [0787006C: 10]-->10 [07870068: 9]-->63143972 [07870064: 8]-->[] @ 12 in BlockClosure>>newProcess [07870060: 7]-->ProcessTermination [0787005C: 6]-->[] @ 8 in InputState>>forkMain [07870058: 5]-->[] @ 6 in BlockClosure>>newProcess [07870054: 4]-->BlockClosure>>newProcess [07870050: 3]-->63143980 [0787004C: 2]-->20 [07870048: 1]-->0 <Bottom of stack> *----> Stack Back Trace <----* {078704A8: cf 0787048D, sp 078704BC, bp 078704A4, ip 5, AXDllSessionManager>>logError:} receiver: a AXDllSessionManager arg[0]: a HRESULTError {0787048C: cf 07870471, sp 0787049C, bp 07870488, ip 4, AXDllSessionManager>>unhandledException:} receiver: a AXDllSessionManager arg[0]: a HRESULTError {07870470: cf 07870455, sp 07870480, bp 0787046C, ip 4, AXDllSessionManager(SessionManager)>>onUnhandledError:} receiver: a AXDllSessionManager arg[0]: a HRESULTError {07870454: cf 0787043D, sp 07870464, bp 07870454, ip 5, HRESULTError(Error)>>defaultAction} receiver: a HRESULTError {0787043C: cf 07870429, sp 0787044C, bp 0782AC50, ip 57, HRESULTError(Exception)>>_propagateFrom:} receiver: a HRESULTError arg[0]: a ExceptionHandler temp[0]: nil temp[1]: a ExceptionHandler temp[2]: nil temp[3]: a Process('Main' base 07870000 [ACTIVE] in AXDllSessionManager>>logError: sp=00000000 ip=8 list=nil) temp[4]: nil {07870428: cf 0787040D, sp 07870438, bp 07870424, ip 6, HRESULTError(Exception)>>_propagate} receiver: a HRESULTError temp[0]: nil {0787040C: cf 078703F5, sp 0787041C, bp 0787040C, ip 12, HRESULTError(Exception)>>signal} receiver: a HRESULTError {078703F4: cf 078703D1, sp 07870404, bp 078703E8, ip 28, IIPPlugHole(COMInterface)>>hresultError:} receiver: a IIPPlugHole arg[0]: a LargeInteger() temp[0]: a HRESULTError temp[1]: a IErrorInfo {078703D0: cf 078703A1, sp 078703E0, bp 078703B8, ip e, IIPPlugHole(ExternalStructure)>>invalidCall} receiver: a IIPPlugHole temp[0]: a LargeInteger() temp[1]: a Process('Main' base 07870000 [ACTIVE] in AXDllSessionManager>>logError: sp=00000000 ip=8 list=nil) temp[2]: nil temp[3]: nil temp[4]: nil temp[5]: nil {078703A0: cf 07870385, sp 078703B0, bp 0787039C, ip 3, IIPPlugHole>>put_Peer:} receiver: a IIPPlugHole arg[0]: a IIPDolphin {07870384: cf 07870365, sp 07870394, bp 0787037C, ip 1e, IPDolphin>>onStartup} receiver: a IPDolphin temp[0]: a IUnknown temp[1]: a IIPDolphin {07870364: cf 07870345, sp 07870374, bp 0787035C, ip e, EventMessageSend>>forwardTo:withArguments:} receiver: a EventMessageSend arg[0]: a IPDolphin arg[1]: a Array {07870344: cf 0787032D, sp 07870354, bp 07870344, ip 6, EventMessageSend>>value} receiver: a EventMessageSend {0787032C: cf 07870311, sp 0787033C, bp 0782ABE0, ip 9, [] in EventMessageSequence(MessageSequenceAbstract)>>value} receiver: a EventMessageSequence temp[0]: SAFEARRAY temp[1]: a EventMessageSend {07870310: cf 078702E9, sp 07870328, bp 07870300, ip 22, EventMessageSequence>>messagesDo:} receiver: a EventMessageSequence arg[0]: [] @ 6 in MessageSequenceAbstract>>value temp[0]: a DeadObject temp[1]: 11 temp[2]: a EventMessageSend {078702E8: cf 078702D5, sp 078702F8, bp 0782ABE0, ip d, EventMessageSequence(MessageSequenceAbstract)>>value} receiver: a EventMessageSequence temp[0]: SAFEARRAY temp[1]: a EventMessageSend {078702D4: cf 078702C1, sp 078702E4, bp 0782ABA8, ip a, EventsCollection>>triggerEvent:} receiver: a EventsCollection arg[0]: #sessionStarted {078702C0: cf 078702A5, sp 078702D0, bp 078702BC, ip 5, AXDllSessionManager(Object)>>trigger:} receiver: a AXDllSessionManager arg[0]: #sessionStarted {078702A4: cf 07870289, sp 078702B4, bp 0782AA90, ip 3a, [] in AXDllSessionManager(SessionManager)>>onStartup:} receiver: a AXDllSessionManager arg[0]: a Array {07870288: cf 07870275, sp 078702A0, bp 0782AB70, ip 11, BlockClosure>>ifCurtailed:} receiver: [] @ b20006 in nil arg[0]: [] @ 3f in SessionManager>>onStartup: temp[0]: nil temp[1]: nil temp[2]: nil {07870274: cf 07870255, sp 07870284, bp 0787026C, ip 4, BlockClosure>>ensure:} receiver: [] @ 37 in SessionManager>>onStartup: arg[0]: [] @ 3f in SessionManager>>onStartup: temp[0]: nil {07870254: cf 07870239, sp 07870264, bp 0782AA90, ip 43, [] in AXDllSessionManager(SessionManager)>>onStartup:} receiver: a AXDllSessionManager arg[0]: a Array {07870238: cf 07870225, sp 07870250, bp 0782AAC8, ip 11, BlockClosure>>ifCurtailed:} receiver: [] @ b20006 in nil arg[0]: [] @ 4d in SessionManager>>onStartup: temp[0]: nil temp[1]: nil temp[2]: nil {07870224: cf 07870205, sp 07870234, bp 0787021C, ip 4, BlockClosure>>ensure:} receiver: [] @ 23 in SessionManager>>onStartup: arg[0]: [] @ 4d in SessionManager>>onStartup: temp[0]: nil {07870204: cf 078701F1, sp 07870214, bp 0782AA90, ip 56, AXDllSessionManager(SessionManager)>>onStartup:} receiver: a AXDllSessionManager arg[0]: a Array {078701F0: cf 078701D5, sp 07870200, bp 078701EC, ip b, ProcessorScheduler>>onStartup:} receiver: a ProcessorScheduler arg[0]: a Array {078701D4: cf 078701B9, sp 078701E4, bp 0782AA20, ip b, [] in ProcessorScheduler>>vmi:list:no:with:} receiver: a ProcessorScheduler arg[0]: 17c arg[1]: nil arg[2]: 8 arg[3]: a Array {078701B8: cf 078701A5, sp 078701D0, bp 0782AA58, ip 11, BlockClosure>>ifCurtailed:} receiver: [] @ b20006 in nil arg[0]: [] @ 10 in ProcessorScheduler>>vmi:list:no:with: temp[0]: nil temp[1]: nil temp[2]: nil {078701A4: cf 07870181, sp 078701B4, bp 0782AA20, ip 14, ProcessorScheduler>>vmi:list:no:with:} receiver: a ProcessorScheduler arg[0]: 17c arg[1]: nil arg[2]: 8 arg[3]: a Array {07870180: cf 0787015D, sp 078701A0, bp 07870174, ip 2f, AXDllImageStripper(ImageStripper)>>snapshot:} receiver: a AXDllImageStripper arg[0]: 'C:\My Documents\Dolphin Smalltalk 5.1\Object Arts\Samples\ActiveX\Random\corandom.tmp' temp[0]: a AXDllSessionManager temp[1]: 6 {0787015C: cf 07870149, sp 0787016C, bp 078368A8, ip f, AXDllImageStripper(ImageStripper)>>saveExecutable:} receiver: a AXDllImageStripper arg[0]: 'C:\My Documents\Dolphin Smalltalk 5.1\Object Arts\Samples\ActiveX\Random\corandom.dll' temp[0]: 'C:\My Documents\Dolphin Smalltalk 5.1\Object Arts\Samples\ActiveX\Random\corandom.tmp' temp[1]: nil temp[2]: true temp[3]: nil temp[4]: nil {07870148: cf 07870131, sp 07870158, bp 07870148, ip 6, MessageSend(MessageSendAbstract)>>value} receiver: a MessageSend {07870130: cf 07870109, sp 07870140, bp 07870120, ip 2c, Win9xInputState(InputState)>>loopWhile:} receiver: a Win9xInputState arg[0]: [] @ 6 in InputState>>mainLoop temp[0]: a MSG temp[1]: true temp[2]: a MessageSend {07870108: cf 078700F5, sp 07870118, bp 078381D0, ip c, Win9xInputState(InputState)>>mainLoop} receiver: a Win9xInputState {078700F4: cf 078700E1, sp 07870104, bp 078381E0, ip d, [] in Win9xInputState(InputState)>>forkMain} receiver: a Win9xInputState {078700E0: cf 078700CD, sp 078700F0, bp 07837748, ip b, ExceptionHandler(ExceptionHandlerAbstract)>>markAndTry} receiver: a ExceptionHandler temp[0]: nil {078700CC: cf 078700B1, sp 078700DC, bp 078359D0, ip 15, [] in ExceptionHandler(ExceptionHandlerAbstract)>>try:} receiver: a ExceptionHandler arg[0]: [] @ 8 in InputState>>forkMain temp[0]: nil temp[1]: nil temp[2]: a Process('Main' base 07870000 [ACTIVE] in AXDllSessionManager>>logError: sp=00000000 ip=8 list=nil) {078700B0: cf 0787009D, sp 078700C8, bp 078359B0, ip 11, BlockClosure>>ifCurtailed:} receiver: [] @ b20006 in nil arg[0]: [] @ 22 in ExceptionHandlerAbstract>>try: temp[0]: nil temp[1]: nil temp[2]: nil {0787009C: cf 0787007D, sp 078700AC, bp 07870094, ip 4, BlockClosure>>ensure:} receiver: [] @ f in ExceptionHandlerAbstract>>try: arg[0]: [] @ 22 in ExceptionHandlerAbstract>>try: temp[0]: nil {0787007C: cf 07870069, sp 0787008C, bp 078359D0, ip 27, ExceptionHandler(ExceptionHandlerAbstract)>>try:} receiver: a ExceptionHandler arg[0]: [] @ 8 in InputState>>forkMain temp[0]: nil temp[1]: nil temp[2]: a Process('Main' base 07870000 [ACTIVE] in AXDllSessionManager>>logError: sp=00000000 ip=8 list=nil) {07870068: cf 07870049, sp 07870078, bp 07870060, ip 7, BlockClosure>>on:do:} receiver: [] @ 8 in InputState>>forkMain arg[0]: ProcessTermination arg[1]: [] @ c in BlockClosure>>newProcess {07870048: cf 00000001, sp 07870058, bp 078376B8, ip 11, [] in BlockClosure>>newProcess} receiver: [] @ 8 in InputState>>forkMain temp[0]: nil <Bottom of stack> ***** End of dump ***** |
> I'am trying to run Dolphin "COM Random Stream.pac" sample and in win98 and > could not register it, in winXP works fine. I compiled it on a new 5.1.4 > image, in a new win98 second edition, and I obtained corandom.dll (495K). > Using regsvr32 I get the error: Are you deploying to the DLL on 9x? IIRC, that is not supported, though I believe it expected to work on 9x once deployed from 2k/xp. However, if the problem is what I have in mind, I would expect it to fail during deployment not during registration. Have a good one, Bill -- Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D. [hidden email] |
Thank you Bill, I deployed in both OS, winXP and win98, and it was the
same. Both DLL failed the registration in win98 and were succesfull in winXP. I have reinstalled win98 in different versions and languages, service packs, patchs and everything I found at Microsoft. Always usng fresh installations of Windows and Dolphin. I'am trying to avoid reading about COM, but it seems I will have to. By now, I will have to live with the fact that Dolphin does not make DLLs that runs on win98, at least version 5.1.4 without any patch. Many thanks. Diego |
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