> When I try to save a package, I get an error message complaining that
> 'the package will NOT load if saved in this for, so the package file
> has no t been saved'
> Anybody knows what might be causing this?
This is an important milestone in your Dolphin use. It might _seem_
terrible at the moment, but not to worry. The problem is that you have
a package that depends on one of its prequisites, forming a cycle.
Searching the archives and wiki for cyclic prerequisites will turn up
some helpful tips. The place to start is in the package browser's
prerequisites tab; turn on the show status icons options, and look for
the red icons. Repackage things that look out of place until the
problem goes away.
FWIW, I have found that tests are common offenders, and moving an
individual #test* method as a loose method in more specialized package
can often fix an otherwise horrible looking cycle.
Most importantly, rememeber that you can save and backup images to
protect your work until you find the packaging problem. After a while,
they become (almost<g>) easy to fix.
Have a good one,
Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]