This is my weekly ChangeLog, from 1 May 2017 to 7 May 2017. You can see it in a better format by going here: http://log.smallworks.eu/web/search?from=1/5/2017&to=7/5/2017 ChangeLog ========= 5 May 2017: ----------- * I just made this little script: ---- startDate := Date year: 2016 month: 04 day: 01. authors := Set new. unknown := Set new. CompiledMethod allInstancesDo: [ :each | | array date | array := each timeStamp substrings. ((array size = 3) and: [ date := [ array second asDate ] on: Error do: [ :e | ]. date notNil ]) ifTrue: [ date >= startDate ifTrue: [ authors add: array first trimBoth ] ] ifFalse: [ unknown add: each timeStamp] ]. ---- To collect this release authors :) Seems that we have at least 88 contributors this version. And we are not counting VM contributors or the people who contributes in other ways: documenting, enhancing frameworks... just particupanting in the lists. This are the authors this script collects: [[[ a Set('BernhardPieber' 'AliakseiSyrel' 'MaxLeske' 'StephanEggermont' 'KenCausey' 'RogerStebler' 'EliotMiranda' 'AndreiChis' 'SergeStinckwich' 'DenisKudryashov' 'ThierryGoubier' 'CyrilFerlciot' 'HenrikSperreJohansen' 'ThibaultRaffaillac' 'monty' 'MarcusDenker' 'RonieSalgado' 'Uko' 'ChristopheDemarey' 'NicolaiHess' 'JohnSnow' 'SomeName' 'md' 'DenisKUdryashov' 'StefanReichhart' 'BenComan' 'DirkRoeleveld' 'johanfabry' 'AutoDeprecationRefactoring' 'CyrilFerlicot' 'YuriyTymchuk' 'mml' 'GitHub' 'SvenVanCaekenberghe' 'LucFabresse' 'matteob8' 'JurajKubelka' 'TommasoDalSasso' 'VincentBlondeauMaximeRoelandt' 'kks' 'pk' 'RM' 'AlexandreBergel' 'auto' 'MerwanOuddane' 'PavelKrivanek' 'OffrayLuna' 'dik' 'nice' 'BooleanSlotTest' 'StephaneDucasse' 'LionelAkue' 'VincentBlondeau' 'eem' 'HenrikNergaard' 'AlejandroInfante' 'hn' 'NicoPasserini' 'PropertySlotTest' 'HilaireFernandes' 'PeterUhnak' 'BernardoContreras' 'ClementBera' 'PabloTesone' 'UnlimitedInstanceVariableSlotTest' 'ThibaultArloing' 'CamilloBruni' 'Spirita' 'cb' 'Anonymous' 'TorstenBergmann' 'PaulDeBruicker' 'TheIntegrator' 'ClementBer' 'AlistairGrant' 'TravisCI' 'JanVanDeSandt' 'TudorGirba' 'EstebanLorenzano' 'SlotErrorsTest' 'Denis' 'ClementBEra' 'MartinDias' 'GlennCavarle' 'GustavoSantos' 'GuillermoPolito' 'RyckewaertValentin' 'ValentinRyckewaert') ]]] Yes, there are some repeated (like "Denis" and "DenisKudriasov") and some wrong (like "CamilloBruni", he is not in the community since some time now), and finally there are others that are robots (like "TheIntegrator"). But this gives a hint of the people contributing which overall will be more than 80 for sure. 4 May 2017: ----------- * So, I worked a bit on [smalltalk-travis-ci](http://github.com/estebanlm/smalltalk-travis-ci) to allow some environment configurations: ---- PHARO_VM=stable*|latest PHARO_ARCH=i386*|x86_64 LINUX_HEARTBEAT=threaded*|itimer ---- Idea is simple: we want to be able to tune the compilations a bit more than now. The options added allows us to declare the type of VM (and in the case of the +PHARO_ARCH+ variable, also the type of the image). For now, this is experimental and if you want access to it you need to add this to your +.travis.yml+ file: ---- smalltalk_edge: source: estebanlm/smalltalk-travis-ci branch: dev ---- I will test and add other options as we need, but it remains to integrate it/generalise it better, that needs to be talked with Fabio later :) * I just fixed all crashes on [libgi2 0.25.1](https://github.com/pharo-vcs/libgit2-pharo-bindings/tree/v0.25.1) and [iceberg](https://github.com/pharo-vcs/iceberg) ! But now I realised I cannot activate the tests on github and travis because it needs a special VM :S 3 May 2017: ----------- * I spent the day recovering the tests for [iceberg](http://github.com/pharo-vcs/iceberg). At this moment, tests are disabled because after moving to internal backend they got broken. Now, we need to make then pass. And I 'almost' succeeded. They are still two tests crashing the image, but most of the rest seems to be ok. I hope to finish tomorrow. * I take some time to verify and promote new [stable VMs for Pharo 6.0](http://files.pharo.org/get-files/60). They are now based on the [opensmalltalk-vm](http://github.com/opensmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm) process so I expect certain noise, but in general this should be working a lot better than before. cheers! Esteban |
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