This is my weekly ChangeLog, from 24 April 2017 to 30 April 2017.
You can see it in a better format by going here:
27 April 2017:
We moved iceberg repositories to:
So, now to install you will need:
Metacello new
baseline: 'Iceberg';
repository: 'github://pharo-vcs/iceberg:dev-0.4';
I also uploaded a Configuration to the [catalog](
http://catalog.pharo.org), so you can load while
doing the transition.
* I figured out that we will need it, so I'm working on a cherry-pick system
for [iceberg](
http://github.com/npasserini/iceberg). Still nothing to show but stay tuned.
Also, I'm working on translate [libgit2 bindings](
to version 0.25.1, because of compilation issues with 0.23 and because we will need it anyway.
* I spent some time fixing 'once again' the VM build to allow +libgit2+ module to load.
This time it was just a stupid cache issue... latest VM will work now.
24 April 2017:
* ... and I spent the rest of the day recovering the vm tests.
So far I have running +linux+ and +macOS+. Windows tests are have still 3 errors, I will end this tomorrow.
* I just spend 2hs fixing a corruption on pharo [site](
http://pharo.org). Is becoming annoying, but
there is a problem in certain cases were +VOLazyProxy+ throws an exception which provoques a
semaphore to stay in +wait+ status and then keeping conections to the database.
And well, that ends... not in the best of the ways.