This is my weekly ChangeLog, from 25 September 2017 to 1 October 2017.
You can see it in a better format by going here:
28 September 2017:
* I spent my day preparing [iceberg 0.6](
https://github.com/pharo-vcs/iceberg/commits/dev-0.6) to be released
and I think I didn't do a bad you.
* I integrate two PR to dev-0.5 and then merge it to dev-0.6
* I closed issues [#470](
https://github.com/pharo-vcs/iceberg/issues/470) and [#239](
* I fixed a problem on cherry-pick and renamed/removed classes (not reported as issue, but there)
* I added a "full sync" option meant to verify the full repository differences (this is useful in certain cases)
... and I'm still trying to get a loadable version of latest metacello (which will come with tonel integration)
27 September 2017:
* I'm still making latest [metacello](
http://github.com/metacello/metacello) version to work properly
on Pharo, so we can integrate it into Pharo 7.0 (and we can also update Iceberg).
Right now, I have what I think is a "working version", but I'm still figuring out how to include it
into Pharo (other than regular merge in image, export... which I think will be our approach until
we have subtrees)
24 September 2017:
* I forget to say that friday with Ronie we made win32 headless version work :)
Now, it just remains win64 version... and of course, we will need to start test intensively so we can
have good support for the moment of release.