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Etoys 5.0 Testing Questions

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Etoys 5.0 Testing Questions

Steve Thomas
339 posts
  1. In the object catalog, there is a new item "key press" but not sure how it works/doesn't seem to work
  2. How do I use the following from the Release Notes Rita posted
    1. "Add blur: brightness: satruation: and hue: to graphics category. Now possible to play a little with picture colors etc."
      1. couldn't find tiles in graphics category.
    2. "Display animated gifs better. Some additions to AnimatedImagemorph. Its now possible to play and stop animaton. Possibility to toggle the opaque setting from etoys as well. The gif reader does not set opaque correctly so it's pure chanse if playback looks right."
      1. How do I find/use an AnimatedImagemorph?
    3. "Hide old VideoCamera morph"
      1. I still see "VideoCamera" in Object Catalog. FYI, doesn't work on Mac.
  3. New Camera support rocks and way too much fun.  I tried a ticking script capturing last frame to holder, need to test, but any comments on capture rates, or depends on computer speed?



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Re: Etoys 5.0 Testing Questions

Karl Ramberg
1579 posts

On Fri, Mar 9, 2012 at 6:19 AM, Steve Thomas <[hidden email]> wrote:
  1. In the object catalog, there is a new item "key press" but not sure how it works/doesn't seem to work
  2. How do I use the following from the Release Notes Rita posted
    1. "Add blur: brightness: satruation: and hue: to graphics category. Now possible to play a little with picture colors etc."
      1. couldn't find tiles in graphics category.
This is a bug. 
    1. "Display animated gifs better. Some additions to AnimatedImagemorph. Its now possible to play and stop animaton. Possibility to toggle the opaque setting from etoys as well. The gif reader does not set opaque correctly so it's pure chanse if playback looks right."
      1. How do I find/use an AnimatedImagemorph?
I have made a fix for this.
Should now be opened for drag and drop and with file dialog 
    1. "Hide old VideoCamera morph"
      1. I still see "VideoCamera" in Object Catalog. FYI, doesn't work on Mac.

That is weird
I can't see it... I'm on Ubuntu today 
  1. New Camera support rocks and way too much fun.  I tried a ticking script capturing last frame to holder, need to test, but any comments on capture rates, or depends on computer speed?

I think this is very dependent on computer speed.




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Re: Etoys 5.0 Testing Questions

Bert Freudenberg
6568 posts
In reply to this post by Steve Thomas
On 09.03.2012, at 06:19, Steve Thomas wrote:

• In the object catalog, there is a new item "key press" but not sure how it works/doesn't seem to work

Ah. I hadn't tested in the latest version. Will be fixed in next beta.

• I still see "VideoCamera" in Object Catalog. FYI, doesn't work on Mac.

There are many more objects in the alphabetical list. We consider things "hidden" if they are in no category.

• New Camera support rocks and way too much fun.  I tried a ticking script capturing last frame to holder, need to test, but any comments on capture rates, or depends on computer speed?

It's trying to get images as fast as it can.

But fun indeed, agreed ;)

- Bert -

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