Ricardo Moran uploaded a new version of Etoys to project Etoys:
http://source.squeak.org/etoys/Etoys-Richo.104.mcz==================== Summary ====================
Name: Etoys-Richo.104
Author: Richo
Time: 7 February 2012, 6:16:45 pm
UUID: 5b7e1ee7-c39c-3745-85c2-89d0f66caaf3
Ancestors: Etoys-Richo.103
* Fixed bug when adding a new variable and not selecting a type.
=============== Diff against Etoys-Richo.103 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: Player>>addInstanceVariable (in category 'slots-user') -----
"Offer the user the opportunity to add an instance variable, and if he goes through with it, actually add it."
| itsName initialValue typeChosen usedNames initialAnswer setterSelector originalString |
usedNames := self class instVarNames.
initialAnswer := Utilities keyLike: ('var' translated, (usedNames size + 1) asString) satisfying: [:aKey | (usedNames includes: aKey) not].
originalString := FillInTheBlank request: 'name for new variable: ' translated initialAnswer: initialAnswer.
Cursor wait showWhile: [
originalString isEmptyOrNil ifTrue: [^ self].
itsName := ScriptingSystem acceptableSlotNameFrom: originalString forSlotCurrentlyNamed: nil asSlotNameIn: self world: self costume world.
itsName size == 0 ifTrue: [^ self].
self assureUniClass.
+ typeChosen := (self askUserForNewTypeFor: itsName) ifNil: [#Number].
- typeChosen := self askUserForNewTypeFor: itsName.
self slotInfo at: itsName put: (SlotInformation new initialize type: typeChosen).
initialValue := self initialValueForSlotOfType: typeChosen.
self addInstanceVarNamed: itsName withValue: initialValue.
self compileInstVarAccessorsFor: itsName.
setterSelector := Utilities setterSelectorFor: itsName.
((self class allSubInstances copyWithout: self) reject: [:e | e isSequentialStub]) do:
[:anInstance | anInstance perform: setterSelector with: initialValue].
self regenerateScripts.
self updateAllViewersAndForceToShow: ScriptingSystem nameForInstanceVariablesCategory.
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