Bert Freudenberg uploaded a new version of Etoys to project Etoys: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Etoys-bf.141 Author: bf Time: 24 June 2012, 5:01:57 pm UUID: 59ae04c6-44ce-4012-a72e-eed11e37d96a Ancestors: Etoys-bf.140 Change Set: thumbnailing-sw Date: 10 June 2012 Author: Scott Wallace Fixes SQ-1099 - If you 'include' an object to a holder with 'show thumbnails' checked it does not become a thumbnail. Fix applies to all four 'include' commands. Also fixed here: a screen-update problem encountered when switching a playfield in or out of always-show-thumbnail mode when a plafield showing its cursor. =============== Diff against Etoys-bf.140 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: PasteUpMorph>>updateSubmorphThumbnails (in category '*Etoys-viewing') ----- updateSubmorphThumbnails | thumbsUp itsThumbnail heightForThumbnails maxHeightToAvoidThumbnailing maxWidthForThumbnails | thumbsUp _ self alwaysShowThumbnail. heightForThumbnails _ self heightForThumbnails. maxHeightToAvoidThumbnailing _ self maxHeightToAvoidThumbnailing. maxWidthForThumbnails _ self maximumThumbnailWidth. self submorphs do: [:aMorph | thumbsUp ifTrue: [itsThumbnail _ aMorph representativeNoTallerThan: maxHeightToAvoidThumbnailing norWiderThan: maxWidthForThumbnails thumbnailHeight: heightForThumbnails. (aMorph == itsThumbnail) ifFalse: [self replaceSubmorph: aMorph by: itsThumbnail]] ifFalse: [(aMorph isKindOf: MorphThumbnail) ifTrue: + [self replaceSubmorph: aMorph by: aMorph morphRepresented]]]. + + self invalidRect: self bounds! - [self replaceSubmorph: aMorph by: aMorph morphRepresented]]]! Item was changed: ----- Method: Player>>append: (in category 'scripts-standard') ----- append: aPlayer "Add aPlayer to the list of objects logically 'within' me. This is visually represented by its morph becoming my costume's last submorph. Also allow text to be appended." | aCostume | (aPlayer isNil or: [aPlayer == self]) ifTrue: [^self]. (aPlayer isText or: [aPlayer isString]) ifTrue: [self costume class == TextFieldMorph ifTrue: [^self costume append: aPlayer] ifFalse: [^self]]. (aCostume := self costume topRendererOrSelf) addMorphNearBack: aPlayer costume. aPlayer costume goHome. "assure it's in view" (aCostume isKindOf: PasteUpMorph) + ifTrue: [self setCursor: (aCostume submorphs indexOf: aPlayer costume). + aCostume updateSubmorphThumbnails] "also forces redraw"! - ifTrue: [self setCursor: (aCostume submorphs indexOf: aPlayer costume)]! Item was changed: ----- Method: Player>>includeAtCursor: (in category 'scripts-standard') ----- includeAtCursor: aPlayer "Add aPlayer to the list of objects logically 'within' me, at my current cursor position. ." | aCostume | (aPlayer isNil or: [aPlayer == self]) ifTrue: [^self]. (aPlayer isText or: [aPlayer isString]) ifTrue: [^ self costume class == TextFieldMorph ifTrue: [self costume append: aPlayer] ifFalse: [self]]. aCostume := self costume topRendererOrSelf. aPlayer costume goHome. "assure it's in view" (aCostume isKindOf: PasteUpMorph) ifTrue: [aCostume addMorph: aPlayer costume asElementNumber: self getCursor. + aCostume updateSubmorphThumbnails] "also forces redraw" - aCostume invalidRect: aCostume bounds] ifFalse: [aCostume addMorphBack: aPlayer. self setCursor: aCostume submorphs size]! Item was changed: ----- Method: Player>>prepend: (in category 'scripts-standard') ----- prepend: aPlayer "Add aPlayer to the list of objects logically 'within' me. This is visually represented by its morph becoming my costume's first submorph. Also allow text to be prepended." | aCostume | (aPlayer isNil or: [aPlayer == self]) ifTrue: [^self]. (aPlayer isText or: [aPlayer isString]) ifTrue: [^ self costume class == TextFieldMorph ifTrue: [self costume prepend: aPlayer] ifFalse: [self]]. (aCostume := self costume topRendererOrSelf) addMorphFront: aPlayer costume. aPlayer costume goHome. "assure it's in view" (aCostume isKindOf: PasteUpMorph) + ifTrue: + [self setCursor: (aCostume submorphs indexOf: aPlayer costume). + aCostume updateSubmorphThumbnails]! - ifTrue: [self setCursor: (aCostume submorphs indexOf: aPlayer costume)]! _______________________________________________ etoys-dev mailing list [hidden email] |
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