A new version of Etoys was added to project Etoys Inbox:
http://source.squeak.org/etoysinbox/Etoys-kfr..102.mcz==================== Summary ====================
Name: Etoys-kfr..102
Author: kfr.
Time: 14 November 2011, 11:54:29 am
UUID: aa85848e-40a2-e649-8df9-d07d203c9718
Ancestors: Etoys-kfr..101
Stop playing current sound before starting another.
Avoids tight looping of sound playing, like pressing the (!) button or stepping a script several times a second.
Means that to play a polyfony you must have one player per sound.
Must be reviewed...
=============== Diff against Etoys-kfr..101 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: Player>>beep: (in category 'slots-user') -----
beep: anObject
"Play given sound or at least beep."
| sound |
+ self stopPlay.
anObject isString
[sound := SoundService default playSoundNamedOrBeep: anObject.
(sound respondsTo: #stopGracefully)
ifTrue: [self costume setProperty: #sound toValue: anObject.
self costume setProperty: #playingSound toValue: sound]]
[SoundPlayer resumePlaying: anObject quickStart: true]
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