A new version of OLPC-Display was added to project Etoys Inbox:
http://source.squeak.org/etoysinbox/OLPC-Display-yo.4.mcz==================== Summary ====================
Name: OLPC-Display-yo.4
Author: yo
Time: 24 October 2011, 2:23:40 pm
UUID: 90f57f12-d88b-4a75-b6b0-09975df4f0e9
Ancestors: OLPC-Display-bf.3
When you are showing 'actual pixels', the zoom goes outside of expected area.
=============== Diff against OLPC-Display-bf.3 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: OLPCVirtualScreen>>zoomIn:orOutTo:at:vanishingPoint: (in category 'transitions') -----
zoomIn: goingIn orOutTo: otherImage at: topLeft vanishingPoint: vp
"Make sure we cover the full display here"
| otherDisplay otherWarp otherOffset otherScale |
pendingUpdate := false.
otherDisplay := Form extent: display extent depth: 32.
otherDisplay fillColor: (Color gray: 0.2).
+ otherScale := (otherImage width / otherDisplay width
+ max: otherImage height / otherDisplay height) max: 1.
- otherScale := otherImage width / otherDisplay width
- max: otherImage height / otherDisplay height.
otherOffset := otherDisplay extent - (otherImage extent / otherScale) // 2.
otherWarp := WarpBlt toForm: otherDisplay.
otherWarp sourceForm: otherImage.
otherWarp cellSize: 2.
otherWarp combinationRule: Form over.
otherWarp sourceForm: otherImage destRect: (otherOffset extent: otherImage extent // otherScale).
otherWarp warpBits.
display zoomIn: goingIn orOutTo: otherDisplay
at: 0@0 vanishingPoint: (vp // self displayScale)+self displayOffset.
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